I'm thinking of bringing cards and videos (world domination gardening and wood burning stoves 2.0). I don't mind hanging out for a while if folks wanna visit or talk gardening.
On the other hand, if nobody shows, that's fine - I'll be there for at least ten or fifteen minutes.
I struggled loads with rhubarb seeds in the spring and was barely successful. next year I hope to do better. My mom had her rhubarb coffee cake recipe put in the church cook book, great stuff. But I can't make it world famous if we're the only with rhubarb. Is there much future demand for rhubarb seeds? Being from Detroit I'm kind of isolated from y'all. Not sure who else might like the rhubarb stuff.
the first picture is from when they were popping like mad. Let's just say that I learned a lot about rhubarb seeds this year and I did manage to save a few...
that's when they were popping.
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