I had a small piece of front
lawn left and it was driving me bananas! About a month ago I
cardboard and mulched over it, and was having fun planning what to do with the space. I finally came to the conclusion that an annual Hugle bed would compliment my young food forest nicely. Beginning with procuring
wood and manure from various near by sources(all for free, aside from a little gas and labour) I was ready to go. Beautiful sunshine greeted the day and the fun began. Here is the blank canvas.
Next the base wood. Well rotted and turkey tail infected alder and my old Doug fir splitting block infested with fungi
Next I smother the base wood with home made
compost and a layer of topsoil.
This is the step I missed in my first attempt at Hugle style building. I didn't add a layer of small stuff!
Also mixed in were some garden trimmings, weeds and a bunch of crushed egg shells that I had kicking around. I also sprinkled on some microzial fungi powder, EM, some kelp and fish fertilizer, mostly just because I had them.
chicken manure with sawdust and then some bio-char I made this winter in my backyard firepit with a steel barrel.
One more yard of topsoil and the bed is done. It took me about 6 hours to build including the two trips for topsoil. I am lucky to have great material resources so close to home. Topsoil is about 1km from home, mulch is about 4. I am waiting until next weekend to plant it out and cover with
straw. So exciting to see a new bed explode green!