Hi everyone,
I highly recommend you a nice new documentary, A New We- 10 ecovillages and eco-communities in 8 European countries! I'm truly inspired by the film! I didn't believe we can still live so peacefully and naturally In the world which Is much destructed. Now I believe we can actually be the change for the world, just to start from ourselves, from our minds, from our everyday living, and then to live joyfully and happily!
It is definitely a documentary which can transform the way people live, which will arouse the awareness in people, that it is possible to live a peaceful and
sustainable life!
there are 10 communities presented: Sieben Linden, Damanhur, Tamera, Valle
de Sensaciones, Matavenero, Schloss Glarisegg, Schloss Tonndorf, Krishna Valley, La Borie Noble, Finca Tierra.
Here you can watch the trailer,
and visit the official website at www.NewWe.info
Blessings to all of you