Hello, I am thinking of going to university and learning to translate texts from English to Norwegian, so basically become a translator. This I can do freelance, I only need a laptop and internet.
For me an established ecovillage is the best, it seems like Sieben Linden is the best in Europe, do you agree? I understand that personal preference has a lot to say when it comes to this.
For me the ability to earn my own independent income while enjoying the fruits of community is what works. Plus it is important that the community has at least 100 people living there permanently, so it doesn't get boring.
I saw this
thread where Diana Leafe Christian recommends both sieben linden and Schloss Tonndorf in Germany.
I come from Norway, the only downside with sieben linden is that it gets cold in the winter. I have researched other communities, but the only one where it is warm that is established is Tamera. Tamera is a bit too crazy for me. They are all about polyamory and spirituality there. Spirituality is good, but I don't want it to be so dominant as it is in Tamera.
Basically I have been researching intentional communities and where the best place there is for me to live. As far as I know there are only some blogs where people write about the communities they have visited, there is nowhere where one can compare ecovillages and see their strengths and weaknesses
So basically two questions:
If you had financial
freedom like a job you could do freelance which ecovillage/
intentional community would you live in, in Europe? Why would you live there compared to other places?
If you could choose anywhere in the world which ecovillage/intentional communty would you live in? Why would you live there compared to other places?
edit:I ofcourse plan to visit the place before I decide I want to move in, this list gives me the idea of which places to visit.