Life is too important to take seriously.
winsol3 wrote:
have you tried Sieben Linden by Poppau? Check out the GEN web site
I can see why it would be difficult to get remote land in Europe... maybe eastern Europe?
selfsufficientlivi wrote:
Get land? I don't feel like buying land! Living on public land is the way to start a moneyless community.
Sieben Linden PURCHASED their land, which means they paid for it, I don't support that community model
Life is too important to take seriously.
fuck it
fiona smith wrote:which part of europe are you looking at?
I' m off to spain next year to look at some free sites, and i'm going to stop off at a community which is privately owned by who ever wants to live permaculturely. i have sent you a PM
selfsufficientli McCoy wrote:I am planning to start or join an eco village/community based on permaculture, green building and moneyless living, without membership or joining fees, on public land, otherwise it wouldn't be truly moneyless
If you know of a community like this, or would like to start one together with me, I look forward to hearing from you.
fiona smith wrote:which part of europe are you looking at?
I' m off to spain next year to look at some free sites, and i'm going to stop off at a community which is privately owned by who ever wants to live permaculturely. i have sent you a PM
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