- A note of Caution here - There may be a few places where state
land is available within an area STILL Zoned as mixed Agricultural, But their is lots of room
for this to turn into a boondoggle !
Various diverse state agencies will have to look at their holdings and use some form of Hairy Wild Ass Guess if any of their holdings are suitable for Agriculture.
I would not be surprised if some of the 1st lands offered are still or 'Former ' Brownfield sites.
And then there is the land that some state official has been hoarding/using as his own semi-private Hunting preserve !
I do have a few more negative thoughts to share but still the link below might be useful for some people w/ green thumbs in New York State!
I remember when the (Military ) Base Re-alignment Commission B.R.A.C. found Dept of Defense Lands Reserve and National Guard Centers Surplus to
our Countries needs - Congress made this ' The law of the land ' included in this sweeping piece of Legislation was a provision that All these properties
would be FIRST offered for use by the Homeless !
I leave it to my Fellow Members to imagine how many ' Formerly Homeless " This law has helped !
Don't let my negative thoughts stop you from contacting this New York Senators Office ! For the Good of the Cause ! Big AL