I've been given the opportunity (here in Israel) to give a 2 hour per week
course (1 semester) to 10th graders. I have to write a 1 paragraph intro that will be published with a lot of other options. Each student has to select 1 general knowledge course per semester. What can I write that would get them interested and increase registration?
Also, I will be able to present the course to the students - 3 min. only. What
should I say/tell them/show them to get them interested. This is the first time that the course is being offered.
BTW, the word "permaculture" is difficult to pronounce in Hebrew and is basically unknown, so the school calls the course "Sustainability" [I can give an exact name of my choice] and I have permission to teach whatever I want.
Ideas and suggestions welcome!
Thank you,
Shoshana L. Boublil