Hello all,
I just purchased my first property (5.12 acres) in the bitterroot Valley. It has tons of potential for growies and I thought I would throw it on here to help generate some design ideas.
Hopefully my photos get attached or else my description won't make much sense.
The entire west side of the property, which is the highest point of the property is a seepage spring and is bringing a whole lot of
water across the property. The previous owner installed a couple of french drains and ponds to drain this water from his building site and off the property.
A) French drain that is silted in and flooding the property below it (B)
B) Very wet at all times of the year, growing cattails, tall marsh grass, wild mint.
C) Very wet, boggy with lots of green alder, aspen, cottonwood, gooseberry, wild rasp., etc.
D) Ponderosa
trees and large boulders
E) Very Very boggy with tons of alder, aspen, and cottonwood. The alder is so thick it is hard to even walk through. (I'm planning on using the alder for wattle fencing)
F) building site (
G) 2nd french drain that is still performing well and filling
Pond #1
Initially I was thinking of starting with (A) and making a long duck
pond going S/W along the old french drain that is no longer working and then start placing swale/berms on contour to slow the water down before it goes off the property. The biggest issue is that section (B) is very soggy and I'm not sure if
berms will lift a food forest up
enough to prevent the
roots from rotting out. Any suggestions for design?
Each square is 20'x20'.