I am learning as much as I can about berries.
I just read something new I wanted to share here on the board since I haven't heard it before.
'If you plan to do a sheet mulch this year for your Raspberries (which by the way, are my favourite berry!) Be sure to leave about and inch (2.54 cm) around the canes where you don't mulch (by mulch I mean: leave, manure and what have you (don't forget the leaves!))
If you touch the canes with the mulch some decay of the canes can occur.'
I wish I had read this before the two weeks of rain we had a few weeks ago.
I also have put down about a inch of
compost with manure in it all around the plants touching their canes.
Will be using
wood chips as a mulch from now on.
I would think it is OK around the canes but still going to push back around each cane an inch to be safe!