I am planing on starting 2 Langstroth 10 frame hives in spring 2017. I currently have 3 Warre and 1 Horizontal top bar hives. My thoughts with the Langstroth hive are screened bottom board, modified Queen excluder (make into an inner cover) and a screened gabled telescoping top cover with screened vent holes in the gables. This should allow a chimney like affect for ventilation in summer.
I do not expect the Langstroth to work better than the Warre or HTB. I was given some boxes. I will use these Langstroth hives without foundation as if it were a Warre hive. My only cost will be frames as I can build the rest.
My favorite is a chocolate cupcake with white frosting and tiny ad sprinkles.
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)