Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Om is where the heart is.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
On top of the frames themselves there will be another layer of tight fitting boards.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:
I advise caution with that. The moisture from winter condensation needs to be able to escape or itcanwill kill bees.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:I like the multiple board idea.
The person who runs the horizontal hive site also translated & published a great book. I think you would find it very interesting.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
OR... should I place the hives in a position so that they are in full-Sun year-round???
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:
OR... should I place the hives in a position so that they are in full-Sun year-round???
This is a highly regional question. Here we have temps in the upper 90s for a couple months. This does not factor in the humidity that frequently sends the heat index 6 to 10 degrees hotter. The local beekeepers say mostly shade helps the hive beetles proliferation. So full shade is a no no here.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Mike Barkley wrote:You might want to make that an electric fence. I've seen what bears do to beehives. Total demolition. That was inside a barbed wire fence though.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:Have you considered joining your local beekeepers association & getting on their swarm capture list? That might increase your odds.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
to carry bee-free honey frames back to the house
Starting to have Red Maples and Cherry trees bloom in my area. Almost time to hang the trap!!! Excited…
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:
That seems like the hard way. That box looks very well built & rather heavy. I use a lightweight food grade bucket with a cloth covering to transport honey frames. The chances of robber bees finding it super quickly are slim. Even if they do find it quickly, it takes them a while to notify the others to bring in backup robbers. Exactly how long depends on how close they live.
You might want to consider giving the chickens access to the hives. They help by eating hive beetles that might be on the ground.
I'm excited for you. Get it set up as soon as possible. Prime bee season is almost here!!!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:Very cool. Congratulations. Several other permies are trying to catch a swarm this year. As far as I know you got the first one. Good luck with your new venture. Winner winner chicken dinner!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Mike Barkley wrote:Very cool. Congratulations. Several other permies are trying to catch a swarm this year. As far as I know you got the first one. Good luck with your new venture. Winner winner chicken dinner!
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Carla Burke wrote:Congratulations, Marty!!!
Yup! I'm still looking, waiting, watching... Yesterday, as I was taking Charlie out for her 'morning constitutional', I heard some serious buzzing, around my peach & redbud trees (they're side by side - barely as far apart as they should be) and hopefully followed it, just to get a peek. Nope. Wasps. I should have known. Finding my first swarm right next to my house, and only a few yards from all my equipment, and about 30 yards from my planned hive location, would have been a miracle, lol.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Mike Barkley wrote:You have a peach tree? You're in for a treat next year. Peach honey is amazing!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Carla Burke wrote:Hi, Marty! Yup! I'm in the Missouri Ozarks, right on the very wiggly 6a/b line. My peach blossoms just died off, this past week, and I'm gearing up for the annual battle with the squirrels! I'm determined that this will be the year we finally taste our peaches! But the redbud is HUGE, and still going strong.
How are you liking the Layens trap, for weight, manageability, etc? I bought my Layens (14bar) hive, in January, and a trap from them just isn't in the budget, for this year, so I'm going to try the heavy duty cardboard box trick, first. If I miss it, I'm not going to be a happy camper - but I'll be saving up for a proper trap, for next year, either way.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Carla Burke wrote:Very clever, Marty! And, good info - thank you! I'll have to be equally as clever, though. I'm 58, disabled, the kids are grown and all live in a couple different states, and (as yet) we're probably the only farmers in the USA without a truck or any kind of utv, lol. But, we do have a small tractor...
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
You know it is dark times when the trees riot. I think this tiny ad is their leader:
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