Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
C. Letellier wrote:Mike posted to the right site but it would be better to link to the main page of plans.hive plans There are several options that will allow the use of standard langstroth frames. This is Leo's site and he has a lot of information out Watch the videos as his insulated horizontal hives seem to make a lot of sense.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Jim Cowger wrote:I’m with you. I print off the plans for a lans horizontal hive. Just gotta get in the shop to build
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Marty Mitchell wrote:
C. Letellier wrote:Mike posted to the right site but it would be better to link to the main page of plans.hive plans There are several options that will allow the use of standard langstroth frames. This is Leo's site and he has a lot of information out Watch the videos as his insulated horizontal hives seem to make a lot of sense.
I have been studying the up on both the Horizontal/ Long Lang and Layens hives... their styles... and methods.
I am getting very close to building my firs hive. I am going to build his Long Lang one that uses 30 Deep lang frames. Mainly so I can share with others, be much more compatible with my neighbors, use my bee clubs honey spinner if I wish, find frames on every corner instead of always having to make my own, etc.
That being said... really like the Layens hive a bit more to be honest. Less frames to deal with AND the frames are big enough to where the brood is fully actualized on each frame (full circle)... PLUS honey and pollen stores on the tops and sides of the frames. All of the end frames at the back of the hive are filled with just honey and barely even guarded once they are full. Just leave the frames with brood/honey for the winter and you will not need to feed in most cases. Just have to make sure that they don't get "honey bound" at the end of the season.
Jim Cowger wrote:Marty I would love those plans I want to try several different swarm traps to see what sticks for me
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Marty Mitchell wrote:
Jim Cowger wrote:Marty I would love those plans I want to try several different swarm traps to see what sticks for me
Here you go! Best of luck...
Davis Tyler wrote:
I'm doing this research now also. Trying to think through the options to be compatible with other systems vs. what's best for the bees
Would be nice to have the same frame size as everyone else who uses Langstroth frames, for the purpose of buying and selling bees periodically
It looks like a Long Langstroth is 19" wide by 9-1/8" deep, and a Layens frame is 12-15/16" wide by 15-15/16" deep, so it is quite a bit different
I've also seen people tacking in smaller frames into their larger Layens frame, to avoid modifying it.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Just leave the frames with brood/honey for the winter and you will not need to feed in most cases.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote:
Just leave the frames with brood/honey for the winter and you will not need to feed in most cases.
In Tennessee with Langstroth hives a full medium super of honey is enough to get through most winters. I stored a few frames of frozen honey (from each hive) in case they needed a little more at the end of a long winter or if there was a late cold snap that killed off early flowers. It was rarely needed so it was basically a delayed harvest or an early harvest depending on you how want to look at it.
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
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