My 3 chamber treatment plant discharges onto the surface of the ground about 145' from my
pond. The ground between the discharge and the
pond stays wet. We have HEAVY clay soil so a leach field is a no go. Septic systems here are required to have sprinklers to spray the waste
water over a wide area. Mine didn't have the sprinklers when we moved in and I don't want them now.
I am thinking about digging a ditch down the side of my pond for waste water to filter through instead of straight into the pond. The ditch would be 10' wide and 1.5' deep approximately 220' long. The waste water would enter one end and filter down the length before connecting to the pond at the spillway. This would keep the water level of the ditch and the pond the same. Heavy rain events would force the ditch water down to the spillway, mix it with pond water and discharge it.
I would plant reeds, cattails, and maybe even hidrilla in the ditch to collect the nutrients from the waste water. These could be collected for
compost and returned to the top of the hill where our or orchards and gardens are.
As a side note, we get about 48" of rain per year and the total drainage area to the pond is probably 10 acres. With the heavy clay soil there is very little seepage of water into the soil. They pond stays full except for about 3 months during the summer and then it only drops a few inches. The pond frequently overflows during rains.
Here is a crude drawing of what I am planning. The new ditch dam is in red.