Hi there!
We have a dilemma that I couldn't find on several websites on troubleshooting moringa
trees, so I'm hoping this forum could help.
We have a now 4 foot tall moringa tree that has been pruned back from being 6 feet tall. My husband purchased this tree from a plant shop and was sort of doing ok throughout the summer until its leaves turned yellow. When fall came (we live in Montreal), he pruned it back in the hopes of it growing new leaves in the spring. Unfortunately our tree is a little banged up, our cats have been scratching it's bark as a scratch post so it has quite a bit of scarring in several places. The good news is that they haven't done so for a couple of months now, but we haven't seen any activity in terms of new budding growth.
We have another moringa tree that was grown as a seedling and it's about 12" tall and it's growing a new set of leaves already. But the big one hasn't done anything. My husband did prune the tree at the node, but he was still about a half inch off the node, and any side branches got cut near the node, but no activity there either.
Is my tree dead? There's paper thin bark that's browned but I can see green bark underneath so I'm hoping that the tree itself is still in good shape, it doesn't look dried out to me, just very inactive.
Any tips on how we can jumpstart our bigger tree in growing some leaves? Both plants are currently in big pots in a warm spot in our living room in front of the window with plenty of daylight, though half of the taller tree is sort of in the shade (I don't know if that makes a difference). We
water it seldomly as I read it doesn't require too much water, and we use vermicompost to
feed it fertilizer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!