Hi all, my first post here. I'm from just outside Toronto, Ontario. I have some farm property on Manitoulin Island in northern Ontario, and while i know i want to live a more self-sufficient and homesteady type life there, i'd like to do some travelling before i settle into it. So i'm thinking i'd like to travel around North America with a truck and camper, and visit small scale organic farms to see how they live and make a go of it, see what they grow, how they grow it, what animals they have etc... I'm just curious if
WWOOFing farms would welcome me for shorter term stays, say up to a week or two. I wouldn't require housing, as i'd be staying in my camper, but i fully understand how farmers would prefer longer term workers who are committed to a full growing season etc, and that i might be more nuisance than contributor. I'd appreciate any input or guidance!