We recently bought some aloe vera pups
online. They are only very small. I'm having some real problems knowing how to care for them and information online is limited particularly for my climate. So I'm hearing people stress A LOT about not over-watering, and to only
water when soil feels dry. You'd assume that would mean once a week or so, but here, it's difficult to gauge how much and how often. The first time I watered these pups, their colour drained to a sickly green by the end of the day, and they are still this colour a week later. They are in small pots with drainage holes. The only reason I assume they're still alive is because they're not 'mushy' feeling as described by people online. They still feel firm, but as I said, their colour definitely does not look right. The sun outside is very strong here currently, and the soil is now very dry. On the one hand, I'm thinking they must need a drink by now, on the other I'm afraid I'll stunt them again or outright kill them by watering again. Bearing in mind, these babies are very small and don't hold the same volume of moisture for themselves as an adult does to survive the heat.
Is it okay to water more regularly with just a few drops of water? When I watered the usual way they turned sickly, so I'm thinking that amount of water suffocates them. Would they do better with less water more frequently to combat the strong sun here? The intensity of the sun assures any excess the plant doesn't need will evaporate despite the regularity; this is why I'm thinking it might be better? I'm just really pulled both ways about what to do for them. Right now they are in full sun, but for all I know they could be dying of drought. Any input is very much appreciated.