I have ordered a bunch of
trees and
perennial bushes and shrubs, now I just need to figure out where to plant them all. I may have been better off waiting a year so I would know my
land a bit better, but I want to get these things in right away since I know they'll take a few years to start bearing fruit.
Anyway, I'm getting three kiwi plants, two female and one male. My understanding is these like a relatively sheltered spot, and that they can grow big and need to be trellised. Our back deck has southern exposure and is sheltered, so could be perfect, except the septic tank is under the deck and the leach field is about 5-10 feet away from where the kiwis would be planted. I've read that they have very shallow
roots though, so would they be okay here? Is it safe (as far as us eating the fruit) to be so close to the field?
Also, pawpaws like some shade when they're young right? I was thinking I'd just place them in the middle or near the north end of the food forest so the other trees would provide some shade. Is that good
enough shade for them? I don't plan to put the trees too close together as I want some sun to be able to reach in between the trees for crops I put there.