Is there a way to start a
permaculture community in southern ontario? It makes sense to start one up north, but I'm aware of some
eco village communities and organic food coops that are interested in getting people together in a community where every one has access to the property and can grow food!
Advantages of the southern region are that you don't have to move up north and can still benifit from healthy food and a cummunity. The eco village concept may be possible, and also the selling of food to the GTA to help with buying
land. There is also membership options where the members pay $5000 and can own a portion of the property and can grow food or purchase some with a CSA like system if they are not able to grow it themselves, it is estimated to being 50℅ lower cost of food and way healthier at the same time! I know of a food coop that is trying to purchase land and has 40 members with over $200k in trust ready to go. I also know of someone who is trying to start an eco village with a 100 acre property that he ownes. Both are in southern Ontario. If these interest you or know of something else or want to strt something, I would lov to know