Rory Turnbull

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since Jun 20, 2013
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Recent posts by Rory Turnbull

Different people say different things. Some say it contains b12, others dont. I found this, but was having trouble finding ifo from the actual study:
"However, a study on the nutritional value of comfrey conducted in Australia in 1983 found that you would need to eat more than 4 lb/day of fresh comfrey to obtain the minimum daily requirement of B12. Eating such large amounts of comfrey, a poor source of vitamin B12, is inadvisable due to the potential health hazards."

Though I have heard that many other plants "contain" b12 due to its production from the microbial communities that can develope on the phyllosphere
11 years ago
O yeahh, you had me when you mentioned DGR. There is not enough articulation around the connection between anarcho-primitivism and permaculture. Not to hijack, but i think you would vibe out with this thread...
11 years ago

Robert Ray wrote:

With ownership I see where continuity of vision can keep a piece of property moving towards permaculture.

I should have specified that I believe the human community as a whole need to collectively turn the ENTIRE PLANET back into the lush, abundant being it used to be. That the planets microclimates and nutrient cycles conglomerate into one giant metabolic system that is elementary to our existence. That our design/fabrication of these systems needs to not only sustain us, but all walks of life within the atmosphere. Once the systems are (back) up and running, we could undoubtedly live as hunter-gatherers (as we did for most of our existence).

I also feel a major issue with us shepherding and/or farming (imposing our will) other beings is (and i know im gonna lose some of you here) that it prevents them from cultivating their spiritual being to its fullest capacity. This is where a draw much influence from steiner and biodynamics in the sense that it is not only the PHYSICAL aspect of plants and animals that we aim to nourish, but also their souls. Which is funny because i find biodynamics to be the most contradicting of that, in that it is founded in intensive human labor and maintenance.

To me, broad acre permaculture is a promising lead on the possibility of healing the earth so deeply, that the manifestation of 'wild' animals and plants could and should occur.

There is no disconnect between the social aspects of our species and permaculture. To me a healthy functioning community would not allow people to destroy the land they live on, regardless of their concept of ownership. And again, i cant help but feel like the ability to usurp that much power stems directly from the concept the earth, fire, water, and air can righteously/justifiably be bought, sold, or traded.
Definition: The science of comprehending and then re-establishing all of the biogeochemical connections and metabolic meridians composing our host macro organism, referred to as Earth or Gaia.

I am greatly interested in the application of biogeochemistry towards comprehending the dynamics of the biosphere's (gaia's) homeostasis. This includes a comprehension of the nutritional/metabolic cycles of both macro (“communal”- planetary, forest, reefs) and micro (“individual”- animals, plants, coral, fish) ecosystems, as well as the metabolic connections between them. For those of you who are perplexed by my word choice; I say ecosystems because my (and many others) intuition and observations tell me that life is but a single macro system comprised of numerous micro systems that, individually unto themselves, are relatively macro systems made of more micro systems that are macro systems unto themselves, and so on and so forth. With that mindset, I (and many others yielding insight from the fields of Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, etc..) come to the conclusion that “individual” organisms are biotic communities, or ecosystems themselves. The same can be said for the organs and “individual” parts of the organism; even down to its cells (and cell components!).

My reasoning for choosing a label aside from bioremediation or permaculture is because i feel there needs to be a more consistent, collaborative effort to manifest our goals of sustainability. These systems we are devising need to act as gaian “organs” that homeostatically nurture all circles of life and not just our species or immediate community. There needs to be an effort to understand physiology of the earth as a whole and what individual systems need to be resurrected to reinstate it's optimum health. For example, on the surface it may appear seemingly beneficial to convert the entire midwestern united states a humongous food forest. It would build topsoil, nullify carcinogens, and provide the energy and material needs for countless numbers of human and non human beings. But what if our current biosphere (the one that includes humans as possible components) is/was reliant on the midwestern US being prairies/grassland managed by grazing ruminants. The fact that the physical integrity of earth's metabolic cycles is not just ideal or optional, but elementary, needs to become common sense (again). Thinking otherwise is akin to the notion that your overall health would be not be threatened by your gut flora deciding they don’t want to be “mere” gut flora anymore and abandoning there position of your biological counterpart (So they begin mining lime from your bones to erect calcareous metropolis’ throughout your bowels, while redirecting fluids and minerals to manufacture things completely foreign to your biochemistry and then proceeding to “litter” them throughout your being).

The mission is to ensure that all people are able to revert back to a bio-synchronistic lifestyle (where their energy and material supply needs are consumed and exuded in a manner that ultimately manifests as their ecosystems healthy metabolic functioning) while using our present, highly unsustainable, technological infrastructure to expedite the remedial compensation for the damage inflicted by our current lifestyle. Such as: using energy intensive machines/instruments (tractors, planes, trains, etc..) to dig swales/keylines across vast spans of desert, import/export organic matter from/to regions that have an abundance/deficiency, spray sulfate aerosols over arctic regions to slow ice melt, making large volumes of biochar from annual plants to sequester atmospheric carbon, etc... This most likely sounds impossible to many, probably most, people (most can’t even begin to simply fathom the problems, let alone the solutions). But my research indicates that Gaia has provided us with not only the means to heal the damaged systems that are spiraling into disease, but also to resurrect extinct systems and even to potentiate established and pristine systems.

Free access to education is also a focal point. Due to cultural dynamics, much of this information has been isolated and segregated, making it appear irrelevant and abstract. So a a main focal point is to compile, decipher and synchronize the information into a format that is more overlapping and existential and into a language that is easily translated and interpreted by other cultures. Then to document and publish the information through many different mediums, making the information accessible to as wide a scope of interests and individuals as possible. Ultimately, hoping to establish more communication and collaboration between analogous groups and to provide a foundational armament of information to those who are actually going to decide our ultimate fate, the people. I feel there is a huge disconnect and shortsightedness in comprehending the depth, complexity and magnitude of the adoptions and sacrifices necessary to truly achieve a state of sustenance. Time and time again, I find groups and individuals touting formula's for sustainable/permanent cultures, and upon further investigation it's apparent that pivotal factors of their solution are only achievable within the current unsustainable civilization infrastructure we are attempting to sustain [one based around non-renewable resources and/or the hyper exploitation of renewable resources. Such as: electricity, solar panels, oil, generators, plastics, monocultures, greenhouses, strip-mining of elements/metals and continued translocation of nutrients/fertilizers over long distances, with no reimbursement or reciprocation for the area depleted)]; Or their models have reached a point of physical sustainability, but there are aspects of their lifestyle that still objectify and/or oppress other beings (be them plants, microbes, humans, or animals), which proves to be mentally unsustainable, and thus, physical sustainability will ultimately decompose.

This is still a brainchild and any feedback or participation is welcome and appreciated.
11 years ago
all matter and consciousness is sacred. microbes, plants, and even cells care about there lives just as much as animals. reverence and respect is the key. in fact the notion that you are avoiding death and that plants are ok to eat because they are inert, nutrient accumulating objects is unbelievably depressing and offensive. Next time you go to eat some fresh veggies, check out all the microorganisms covering them; take a razor and slash one of the nematodes. It will squirm, suffer, and bleed to death. Its unavoidable; life feeds of life. To be clear I am not knocking the morality of vegans/vegetarians, I am simply taking it to another level in hopes to promote a recognition of all lifes sovereignty and the fact that plants are just as "sentient" as animals
11 years ago
I think the concept pf property and land ownership is something that permaculture supersedes. The notion that a single person or group can claim 'ownership' of sections of the planet and all the being inhabiting it is what got us in this mess in the first place. A society based on treating living beings as objects that can be bought, sold, or traded is the result of agriculture and the domestication of our gaian counterparts. This is why permaculture has so much potential in my book; humans immersed in established perennial systems are hunter-gatherers, not farmers. That kind of lifestyle not only reinforces equality with our non human community, but it also prevents "stock piling" of large harvests; and thus, hierarchy. The inception of "rich and poor" began with monoculture, and it is within those confines that it festers. Yes, within our current culture, permaculture practitioners planning on dedicating themselves full time need to be able to provide there energy and material needs (which almost always means money, these days). But the knowledge we have been blessed with is something that needs to be implemented worldwide to not only to sustain our human community, but also to reinstate the biogeochemical metabolism of the biosphere as a whole. With the average person armed with the knowledge and materials they need to heal their homelands, they will be able to return to a state of literally living INSIDE of the medium through which ALL of their basic essentials are provided. Thus the obligation of importing and exporting of resources dissolves, ceasing our reliance on the energy intensive technologies required to extract and transport them. Most of the mechanisms facilitating our present culture (dams, mines, farms, sewers, electronics, explosives, etc..) are completely unnecessary and ultimately detrimental. Ancient human cultures existed for millennia in harmony with Gaia without being obligated (or even inclined) to fabricate pit mines or palm oil plantations. These things were erected, and are currently maintained, not out of the intent to expand the akashic record; but rather for the concentration of matter and energy amongst a small handful of individuals, to be used as leverage for overpowering the mass population.
azosprillium and grazing ruminants
11 years ago
I have seen yucca bevifolia in shampoo/soap so I think it may contain saponins, but I dont know if they are the steroidal kind; which appears to be the active reagent behind the biological stimulation. But saponins/soap do lower the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate into compacted soil much easier.

From my research, most plants that exhibit "extreme" (fast growth, hardiness, flavor/smell) properties will usually lend those properties through extracts and concentrates (IE kelp, kang kong, nettles, etc..), you just need to make sure they aren't detrimentally allelopathic (toxic to other/particular plants)
11 years ago
Alfalfa Hay: 2.45/05/2.1

Apple Fruit: 0.05/0.02/0.1

Apple Leaves: 1.0/0.15/0.4

Apple Pomace: 0.2/0.02/0.15

Apple skins(ash) : 0/3.0/11/74

Banana Residues (ash): 1.75/0.75/0.5

Barley (grain): 0/0/0.5

Barley (straw): 0/0/1.0

Basalt Rock: 0/0/1.5

Bat Guano: 5.0-8.0/4.0-5.0/1.0

Beans, garden(seed and hull): 0.25/0.08/03

Beet Wastes: 0.4/0.4/0.7-4.1

Blood meal: 15.0/0/0

Bone Black: 1.5/0/0

Bonemeal (raw): 3.3-4.1/21.0/0.2

Bonemeal (steamed): 1.6-2.5/21.0/0.2

Brewery Wastes (wet): 1.0/0.5/0.05

Buckwheat straw: 0/0/2.0

Cantaloupe Rinds (ash): 0/9.77/12.0

Castor pomace: 4.0-6.6/1.0-2.0/1.0-2.0

Cattail reeds and water lily stems: 2.0/0.8/3.4

Cattail Seed: 0.98/0.25/0.1

Cattle Manure (fresh): 0.29/0.25/0.1

Cherry Leaves: 0.6/0/0.7

Chicken Manure (fresh): 1.6/1.0-1.5/0.6-1.0

Clover: 2/0/0/0 (also contains calcium)

Cocoa Shell Dust: 1.0/1.5/1.7

Coffee Grounds: 2.0/0.36/0.67

Corn (grain): 1.65/0.65/0.4

Corn (green forage): 0.4/0.13/0.33

Corn cobs: 0/0/2.0

Corn Silage: 0.42/0/0

Cornstalks: 0.75/0/0.8

Cottonseed hulls (ash): 0/8.7/23.9

Cottonseed Meal: 7.0/2.0-3.0/1.8

Cotton Wastes (factory): 1.32/0.45/0.36

Cowpea Hay: 3.0/0/2.3

Cowpeas (green forage): 0.45/0.12/0.45

Cowpeas (seed): 3.1/1.0/1.2

Crabgrass (green): 0.66/0.19/0.71

Crabs (dried, ground): 10.0/0/0 (I personally just crush the shells with my foot)

Crabs (fresh): 5.0/3.6/0.2

Cucumber Skins (ash): 0/11.28/27.2 ( WOW!!! Who knew???)

Dried Blood: 10.0-14.0/1.0-5.0/0

Duck Manure (fresh): 1.12/1.44/0.6

Eggs: 2.25/0.4/0.15

Eggshells: 1.19/0.38/0.14

Feathers: 15.3/0/0

Felt Wastes: 14.0/0/1.0

Field Beans (seed): 4.0/1.2/1.3

Feild Beans (shells): 1.7/0.3/1.3

Fish (dried, ground): 8.0/7.0/0

Fish Scraps (fresh): 6.5/3.75/0

Gluten Meal: 6.4/0/0

Granite Dust: 0/0/3.0-5.5

Grapefruit Skins (ash): 0/3.6/30.6 (And people throw these things away? Wow!)

Grape Leaves: 0.45/0.1/0.4

Grape Pomace: 1.0/0.07/0.3

Grass (imature): 1.0/0/1.2

Greensand: 0/1.5/7.0

Hair: 14/0/0/0

Hoof and Horn Meal: 12.5/2.0/0

Horse Manure (fresh): 0.44/0.35/0.3

Incinerator Ash: 0.24/5.15/2.33

Jellyfish (dried): 4.6/0/0

Kentucky Bluegrass (green): 0.66/0.19/0.71

Kentucky Bluegrass (hay): 1.2/0.4/2.0

Leather Dust: 11.0/0/0

Lemon Culls: 0.15/0.06/0.26

Lemon Skins (ash): 06.33/1.0

Lobster Refuse: 4.5/3.5/0

Milk: 0.5/0.3/0.18

Millet Hay: 1.2/0/3.2

Molasses Residue

(From alcohol manufacture): 0.7/0/5.32

Molasses Waste

(From Sugar refining): 0/0/3.0-4.0

Mud (fresh water): 1.37/0.26/0.22

Mud (harbour): 0.99/0.77/0.05

Mud (salt): 0.4.0/0

Mussels: 1.0/0.12/0.13

Nutshells: 2.5/0/0

Oak Leaves: 0.8/0.35/0.2

Oats (grain): 2.0/0.8/0.6

Oats (green fodder): 0.49/0/0

Oat straw: 0/0/1.5

Olive Pomace: 1.15/0.78/1.3

Orange Culls: 0.2/0.13/0.21

Orange Skins: 0/3.0/27.0 (Right up there with Grapefruit. Note: both can attract fruit flies so, bury them in the compost)

Oyster Shells: 0.36/0/0

Peach Leaves: 0.9/0.15/0.6

Pea forage: 1.5-2.5/0/1.4

Peanuts (seed/kernals): 3.6/0.7/0.45

Peanut Shells: 3.6/0.15/0.5 (I grind them up in the food processor first)

Pea Pods (ash): 0/3.0/9.0 (I cut them up with a pair of scissors while shelling them)

Pea (vines): 0.25/0/0.7

Pear Leaves: 0.7/0/0.4

Pigeon manure (fresh): 4.19/2.24/1.0

Pigweed (rough): 0.6/0.1/0

Pine Needles: 0.5/0.12/0.03

Potato Skins (ash): 0/5.18/27.5

Potaote Tubers: 0.35/0.15/2.5

Potatoe Vines (dried): 0.6/0.16/1.6

Prune Refuse: 0.18/0.07/0.31

Pumpkins (fresh): 0.16/0.07/0.26

Rabbitbrush (ash): 0/0/13.04

Rabbit Manure: 2.4/1.4/0.6

Ragweed: 0.76/0.26/0

Rapeseed meal: 0/1.0=2.0/1.0=3.0

Raspberry leaves: 1.45/0/0.6

Red clover hay: 2.1/0.6/2.1

Redrop Hay: 1.2/0.35/1.0

Rock and Mussel Deposits

From Ocean: 0.22/0.09/1.78

Roses (flowers): 0.3/0.1/0.4

Rye Straw: 0/0/1.0

Salt March Hay: 1.1/0.25/0.75

Sardine Scrap: 8.0/7.1/0

Seaweed (dried): 1.1-1.5/0.75/4.9 (Seaweed is loaded with micronutrients including: Boron, Iodine, Magnesium and so on.)

Seaweed (fresh): 0.2-0.4/0/0

Sheep and Goat Manure (fresh): 0.55/0.6/0.3

Shoddy and Felt: 8.0/0/0

Shrimp Heads (dried): 7.8/4.2/0

Shrimp Wastes: 2.9/10.0/0

Siftings From Oyster Shell Mounds: 0.36/10.38/0.09

Silk Mill Wastes: 8.0/1.14/1.0

Silkworm Cocoons:10.0/1.82/1.08

Sludge: 2.0/1.9/0.3

Sludge (activated): 5.0/2.5-4.0/0.6

Smokehouse/Firepit Ash:0/0/4.96 (I put the ashes from my smoker in the pile)

Sorghum Straw:0/0/1.0

Soybean Hay: 1.5-3.0/0/1.2-2.3

Starfish: 1.8/0.2/0.25

Sugar Wastes (raw): 2.0/8.0/0

Sweet Potatoes: 0.25/0.1/0.5

Swine Manure (fresh): 0.6/0.45/0.5

Tanbark Ash: 0/0.34/3.8

Tanbark Ash (spent): 0/1.75/2.0

Tankage: 3.0-11.0/2.0-5.0/0

Tea Grounds: 4.15/0.62/0.4

Timothy Hay: 1.2/0.55/1.4

Tobacco Leaves: 4.0/0.5/6.0

Tobacco Stems: 2.5-3.7/0.6-0.9/4.5-7.0

Tomatoe Fruit: 0.2/0.07/0.35 (A note on tomatoe fruit: These should be hot composted. I just let any rotted or insect eaten tomatoes compost in the soil beneath the plants and have "freebees" come back each consecutive year. Hot composting will kill the seeds.)

Tomatoe Leaves: 0.35/0.1/0.4

Tomatoe Stalks: 0.35/0.1/0.5

Tung Oil Pumace: 6.1/0/0

Vetch Hay: 2.8/0/2.3

Waste Silt: 9.5/0/0

Wheat Bran: 2.4/2.9/1.6

Wheat (grain): 2.0/0.85/0.5

Wheat Straw: 0.5/0.15/0.8

White Clover (Green): 0.5/0.2/0.3

Winter Rye Hay: 0/0/1.0

Wood Ash: 0/1.0-2.0/6.0-10.0 (A note on Wood ash: Wood Ash can contain chemicals that could harm plants and also carcinogens so, they should be composted in moderation)

Wool Wastes: 3.5-6.0/2.0-4.0/1.0-3.5
11 years ago

In the creation of biological nutrients, bionutrients, the basic process is the traditional fermentation. Fermentation process is a better system than simple extraction like boiling the plant materials, through infusion like making tea. In the United States, where compost tea is getting popular in organic agriculture, compost is made into tea, sugar or molasses are added, fermented to increase microbial population. A simple general formula or recipe in fermentation can be done for plants. For example, seaweeds. If you simply infuse seaweeds (which are quite difficult to breakdown, therefore hard to extract active ingredients), you may not get a more potent extracted active ingredients. If you ferment the same materials by adding sugar or molasses, it is easily broken down (biologically) by microorganisms and thus making nutrient more available. Microorganisms get their energy from sugar in fermenting the materials. Most healthy foods are fermented foods. Through fermentation, food are easily broken down, enzymes created, nutrition improved. That’s the reason why fermented foods like yogurt or kimchi (Korean pickles) are more nutritious than plain milk or vegetables.

In making bionutrients, the simple formula is to add 1/3 crude sugar or molasses and mixed with materials to be fermented and extracted. For example, let’s take papaya fruit fermented extract. We chop as thinly as possible ripe papaya, unwashed and unpeeled. We then add 1/3 crude sugar or molasses to the total weight or approximate volume of the papaya materials. Put the materials with at least 50-75% air gap and cover loosely with a lid and let it ferment for at least a week. After a week, you will notice some molds and microbial infections and will start smelling sweet, sour and alcoholic. The materials are then strained and liquid generated will be your pure fruit papaya extract. You can dilute this with 20 parts water. This diluted form can be used as bionutrient, using 2-4 tablespoons per gallon of water. Again, this extract can be added to animal drinking water and feeds, to compost pile or sprayed/watered to plants leaves and roots. This will be a good source of nutrient for plants or animals, and also for our beneficial indigenous microorganisms. Papaya extract is good source of enzyme pappain, beta-carotene and Vitamin C for example. So extract any plant material and just try to find out what kind of nutrients they have you can use for animal and plant nutrition. Should the materials you intend to use for extraction do not have much moisture (as compared to our papaya fruit example), you may add water enough to the level that will moisten all the materials.


Specific bionutrients, fermented plant and other material extracts we have used to a great success and you can adopt for their specific use:

Kangkong (water spinach) Fermented Extract

This is essentially used as growth promotant. Kangkong is sometimes called water spinach. It is a kind of vegetable that typically grows in fresh water. It can also grow in highly moist soil. It s basic characteristic is it grows very fast, similar to the rapid growth of kelp in the seas. To the natural farmers, this kind of plant or similar plant for that matter have natural growth promotant. In the scientific agricultural parlance, we speak of natural growth hormones like gibberellins, auxins and cytokinins. Plants that grow fast will have a better concentrations of these natural growth hormones. By observation, kangkong or kelp or even mugwort will fall on this category. Thus, axillary buds of kangkong, plants like cucumber, squash and watermelon will be good materials to ferment for this purpose. Once these are fermented, active ingredients extracted, you may use this to spray and/or water your plants. You will notice a great improvement in the growth of your plants.

Banana-Squash-Papaya (BSP) Fermented Extract

One of the major fermented extract we use for plant flowering and fruiting, specially for vegetables, are extracts from banana, squash and papaya. Apparently, these materials have high level of potassium especially banana, and beta carotene. Although I have not tried a similar recipe using materials readily available here in the US, I will presume that materials substitute can be used. For your own experimentation, you can possibly use comfrey, squash and carrot. Le me know if they will work. In the Philippines, when we induce flowering of mangoes, conventional agriculture use potassium nitrate. We have tried with success natural materials high in nitrogen and potassium. Interesting enough, our local organic farmers have experimented using seaweed extract in inducing flowering of mangoes. Isn’t it seaweed extract have lots of natural growth hormones and trace elements, and good source of nitrogen and potassium? Check out the kinds of materials you can ferment and use to induce growth, flowering and fruiting.

Fish Amino Acid

As a general rule, the higher the protein of the materials, when composted or fermented, the higher the nitrogen. We use a lot of fish scraps to generate high nitrogen on our fish extracts. Here in the US, fish emulsion is pretty popular. Again, on basic fermentation of this material, we use crude sugar or molasses, third ratio of the fish scraps. I personally like using molasses than crude sugar not just for cost considerations, but molasses minimizes those fishy odors. I have added lactic acid bacteria in fermenting these fish scraps that arrest the foul odors very evident of fish emulsion foliar fertilizers.

Calcium Phosphate

A lot of agriculture advisers have used calcium phosphate for better plant growth, health, pest and disease controls. Natural farmers use this bionutrient very specific. Under the theory of Nutrioperiodism developed by a Japanese horticulturist, Yasushi Inoue in the 1930’s, plants and animals need a very specific nutrient relative to the stage of their development. In the plant, there is the essential vegetative growth , changeover and the reproductive periods. In animals, like humans, there is the infantile, juvenile and adulthood. It is not only critical to provide the right nutrient at the right stage of the development, but also critical to use or apply specific nutrient of calcium phosphate in the juvenile or changeover period. For the plant, for example, we know that nitrogen is critical on the vegetative stage as potassium is critical in the flowering and fruiting stages. It is however, the changeover period that is most critical that will determine the quality of the final reproductive stage. At this stage, an additional nutrient is badly needed by the plant. And this is calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is good for plants’ “morning sickness”. It is the stage that additional baby needs to be fed or the process where flower/fruit is about to come. Ash made from soybean stems are excellent for this purpose.

Here is a simple, natural method of generating calcium phosphate. Get eggshells and roast them enough to generate some good ashes. Afterwhich, dip these roasted eggshells on about equal visual volume of vinegar. Allow it to sit for a couple of weeks until eggshells are practically broken down by the vinegar acids. You may use this diluted 20 parts water and can be sprayed or watered to the plants during the changeover period.

When this is applied to that changeover period, it will improve plant health and productivity. The use of calcium phosphate is important to natural farmers. This however, does not mean that we shall forget the nutrient timing application of other critical nutrients for plant growth both macro and micro nutrients, given at the right stages and combinations.

We consider this very important bionutrient needed by the plants used by natural farmers.

Ginger-Garlic Extract

The original recipe of the natural farmers of Korea use not only the ginger and garlic materials, but also Chinese herbs like Angelica acutiloba, Glycurrhiza uralensis and Cinnamomum loureirii. These Chinese herbs have one basic common denominator, they are good for digestion. We have used simply equal amount of ginger and garlic, less these Chinese herbs. This is our natural antibiotics we use for plants and animals.

Remember the high level of sulfur on garlic? It is a good fungicide. The ginger-garlic extract is quite different from the plant extracts we have discussed. We soak the chopped up ginger and garlic in beer or wine overnight or 12 hours. Then we add 1/3 crude sugar and let it ferment for a couple of days like 5-7 days. They we add alcohol which stabilizes and arrests fermentation. The alcohol should be at least 40% proof. The active ingredients of the ginger and garlic is extracted in finale with the use of alcohol similar to herbal tincture we are familiar with in homeopathy. Remember that ginger and garlic are highly medicinal and highly nutritious. We have used them as natural antibiotics and in preventive medicine. We have used this concoction on chicks and chickens and have made them healthy throughout. Of course, we also use them when we see animal weakening and when they are sick. We have used them on fungal problems of plants. We have used them for rheumatism. The uses are enormous both for plants and animals. The potency of your plant extracts are relative to active ingredients that are available from the plants you are extracting. Most importantly, the part of the plants. For example, the energy on the plant part is most concentrated on the seed, fruit, leaf and other parts of the plants, to that general order. Seed is where the plant procreate itself. By simply adding moisture and heat, seed will germinate and will derive its nutrient for growth from its own seed. What natural farmers are saying is that the energy or nutrition is more potent on the seed, fruit will be second and on the leaf third. That’s the reason why when we ferment seeds like grain, our dilution for use is 1:1000 instead of 1:500. This is just a guideline.

Sometimes, you can use more diluted form but with more frequent applications. There is really no clear cut rule. Things have to be based on experimentations, experiences and observations.
11 years ago