Sherry Domer

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since Dec 17, 2021
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Forest Grove, United States
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Recent posts by Sherry Domer

I added no water. I put the fat in the largest cake pan I had and let it on 250 (lowest setting on my oven) for hours. I checked it every hour or so. This method is really hands off. The fat just pours into a quart jar via the corner of the pan. I got about a gallon and a half from about a 200lb pig.
2 years ago
I want this bundle. Why is PayPal making me create an account to use a cc? They never did before. I am extremely unhappy with PayPal's recent actions. I do not want to create an account with them. How do I get the bundle without creating a PP account?
2 years ago
This is all great! We are in southern/mid TN. We are thinking of a hyper Adobe house. The permitting process will be overwhelming. They go by the international standards...that don’t have hyper Adobe write. Into them. How does anyone get an architect to sign off on it?  I am also concerned about moisture diffusion and water diversion. There is so much water in the air here. I am wondering how that will affect the Adobe?
3 years ago