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It is a privilege to live, work and play in the traditional territory of the Salish People.
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The best gardening course: FAQ
Liv Smith wrote:I should probably open a new thread for this: do any of you make lard from beef fat? I guess it’s not called lard but tallow.
Would the process be the same?
The best gardening course: FAQ
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Liv Smith wrote:Now I have to ask: how do you guys eat the lard or tallow?
It is a privilege to live, work and play in the traditional territory of the Salish People.
Now drop and give me 52... ~ Come Join the permies Shoecamp! ~ All about Permies, including Tutorials ---
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Liv Smith wrote:Now I have to ask: how do you guys eat the lard or tallow?
Read about site basics in this thread:
jordan barton wrote:thank nick.
I am trying a new method this time. I always try to get white lard instead of slighly brown lard which has a smell to me. After I have cooked it for few hours I am going to strain it and than let it cool. Than once it has cooled I will put it in the freezer so they can separate. Water will freeze and the fat will harden on top I believe.
I cannot find where I read the way I am doing it. I believe my method is done commercially.
What I like about is it, I can leave it on the wood stove and do other things without worry of it getting over cooked or boiling to hot and becoming brown. This is especially important when there is not enough solar to use the crockpot..
Maybe no one makes their lard this way and I will just boil it for 3 hours or so. The fat pieces/cracklin are still white.
He whai take kore noa anō te kupu mēnā mā nga mahi a te tangata ia e kōrero / His words are nothing if his works say otherwise
"How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.“ — Dorothy L. Sayers
jordan barton wrote: I always try to get white lard instead of slighly brown lard which has a smell to me.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Liv Smith wrote:Now I have to ask: how do you guys eat the lard or tallow?
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Liv Smith wrote:Now I have to ask: how do you guys eat the lard or tallow?
Liv Smith wrote:Now I have to ask: how do you guys eat the lard or tallow?
Sandy Bradley wrote:Leaf lard is to be found around the internal organs. The very best fat is the veil of pork, which is the membrane that keeps the intestines from tangling up. If you spread the intestines out a little, you can detach the pork veil, which is a very thin double membrane which encloses little blobs of fat, so when you hold it up it looks like a lace tablecloth. Mom used to use it to wrap a pork loin, after inserting cloves of garlic and bay leaves into the meat. The veil bastes the meat throughout cooking and adds a thin crust to the roast. I’ve also used it to wrap a turkey.
I use lard for everything requiring fat or oil, including cookies, cakes, roasted vegetables, etc. mom used to spread it on her bread like butter, adding a little salt.
Sandy Bradley
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
Ellen Lewis wrote:When I was a child and everyone used margarine instead of butter (horrors!) I used to insist that my mother butter my bread with chicken schmalz instead. She indulged me. But I don't recall her rendering the schmalz. Maybe she got it at the deli?
I'm not lost because where ever I go there I am and that light at the end of the tunnel is not a train.
I'm not lost because where ever I go there I am and that light at the end of the tunnel is not a train.
Hey, sticks and stones baby. And maybe a wee mention of my stuff:
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