Rose Dallal

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since Feb 07, 2013
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shasta county, ca zone 8b
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Recent posts by Rose Dallal

I would definitely love to learn about sheep milk cheeses.  I've seen cheese made with goat and sheep together!
Also interested in incorporating herbs and seeds, learning how and when to add them in.
Regarding whey, it can be used in making ferments.  It's like a booster of good microbes for sauerkraut, pickles, etc.
I'm curious to know if all cheeses are fermented.  I was surprised to find out that charcuterie meats actually go through a fermentation process.
Thank you, Kate  
1 year ago
I never render fat with water, just gentle heat in a cast-iron pan or pot, depending on how much I have.  
The cracklings crisp up when left till the end to brown. Definitely sprinkle some salt on.
My late father-in-law added salt and paprika to rendered lard and then kept the jar in the fridge, to use as a delicious spread on fresh dark bread.
When I'm making chicken soup from a whole fryer, I remove all the fatty bits under the skin, chop them up and render for a snack.
Rendered tallow is awesome for when you're braising any cuts of beef.
Fat from pastured animals is healthy!
1 year ago
Congratulations on your lovely property!  I can tell you're excited  
My first reaction to your question is to wait a year, and spend the time observing your property and getting to know it well.
It's not easy to hold back our enthusiasm, but from my experience, it's wiser.
Good luck!!
2 years ago
Casie Becker wrote:
I also never pare down my clothes if they are just over or under my current weight for the same reason.   Prices never go down.

I'd like to add that quality has been going down horribly.  15-year-old clothes still look great.  1-year-old have lost their shape and the fabric is becoming see-through.
And it's not just clothing that's losing quality, but almost everything you can think of.
2 years ago
I'm kinda shy... a little older than you, but passionate about life.
Can we purple moosage?
2 years ago
Would love to meet with other permies and of course with Paul on 8/6  
My potatoes won't be ready yet, but other stuff will!

p.s.  I live 20 minutes south of Portland.
2 years ago
Hi Kate,
Just pledged for your hard-cover book.  I'm happy to learn new off-grid skills, and perfect the older ones  
Also, it makes so much sense to cook seasonally.  Thanks for writing this book!!  <3
4 years ago
I couldn't make myself watch that Fouch video to the end.
I've been up to Wheaton Labs, had a great experience and loved what I saw.  I totally enjoyed the course that I took, the facilities were clean, the food - amazing.
I've listened to so many podcasts and videos, I feel that I know Paul, his unique sense of humor and his tremendous contribution to this Permie way of being on the planet.
Thank you Paul - I'm proud to be a Permie!

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