I'm always behind schedule and under-funded, so progress has been slow going here at Liberty Tree Farm. Summer stuff still not finished, greenhouse project still in original boxes on the front porch waiting for excavation of a level spot for it. Every time I feel like working on a project on my to-do list, a well pump stops pumping or a burst pipe floods the pump house or something unexpected pops up to use what little funds I've saved up for materials, and the project gets delayed for another month or two or ten. Truck and tractor repairs, road maintenance, computer problems all take time and money I hadn't planned on spending.
I frequently wonder if it's all worth it. I get so frustrated and overwhelmed. Strawberries won't grow, deer broke through an 8-ft net deer fence and cleaned out my garden, fruit trees I planted 2 years ago are barely surviving. The hill up to the barn seems to be getting steeper. But then the clouds blow away, and the sun brightens everything up, so the depression turns to joy, and I start over again.
This winter I want to finish renovating the trailer. It was an empty shell with the south end wide open when I bought the place 4 years ago this month. I had great plans then to rehab it for temporary living accommodations until I could build my dream underground house with south-facing solarium. Thought I could build it with wood beams harvested from the property and recycled fixtures, but that hasn't moved up my list. In fact, it's moved down. I'm content enough living in the trailer for now though it is pretty rough still. It's sealed and insulated, plumbed and wired, and my recycled kitchen meets my needs, but it still has a way to go.
This year I finally finished the master/south bedroom and most of the bathroom (still need to tile the shower). Recently I moved my bedroom furniture from the north bedroom to the south along with clothes, shoes and boots, seasonal boxed up stuff, etc.
August and October were mostly dealing with outside problems: replacing submersible pump (2nd one in two years) down at the spring-fed cistern, electrical problems with the midway pump house, and now flooding from a broken pipe in the upper pump house and the pressure tank in the mid pump house was not holding pressure, so had to replace it. All fixed and hopefully will last the winter at least.
I'd been using the middle bedroom as a pantry and catch-all with a couple of bookcases for food storage and boxes and totes piled up where I could never find stuff when I needed it. So far, I've moved everything to my now empty north bedroom and am drywalling the outside wall that has been just ugly insulation for over 3 years. I have the materials collected to build shelving around 3 walls, so I'll have enough room to organize and label everything. With adequate shelving, I'll have more than enough room for all my tools as well as food storage. Still need to lay vinyl flooring (easy to clean if a jar slips through my fingers and smashes on the floor). I drop a lot of stuff these days. Peripheral neuropathy I'm told.
Then I'll empty the north bedroom into the storeroom shelves and rip up the old, stained carpeting, clean, repaint, lay laminate flooring same as the south bedroom floor I recently finished and trimmed, and build an extra-long queen-size captain's bed with built-in drawers on both sides and foot. I also have a dresser and mirror and night stands to put in there (stored in the barn for now). This will be the guestroom for tall visitors. Then maybe my 6'5" brother and his wife will come for a visit. I've invited them every summer, but considering our guest accommodations consisted of sleeping on the floor on air mattress(es), tenting, or tossing a sleeping bag on a pile of hay in the barn, the visit didn't appeal to them. LOL. He's 80 and she's 76, so I guess their camping days are behind them. They'd prefer a 4-star resort with maid service these days. We're a long way from that, I'm afraid.
Little by little, I keep plugging along with a vision of a permaculture paradise dancing in my head. Hoping Santa will bring me some sharp saw blades this Christmas (all types and sizes).