Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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“Every human activity is an opportunity to bear fruit and is a continual invitation to exercise the human freedom to create abundance...” ― Andreas Widmer
Life's too short, eat desert first! [Source of quote unknown]
You have to be warped to weave [ditto!]
How Permies works:
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
j flynn wrote:Hi, jigsaw puzzles were a great sanity saver while I was in rehab after an accident. I would do them in the common room and others would come in and some would help, so the puzzles let to some socialization- good for all of us. Rehab is very isolating.
Joy and abundance, Cory "Cimarron" Layne - Building a Permaculture community on 30 acres in SW Virginia Appalachian Foothills. Still looking for liberty-loving, resilient people ready for a challenge. PM me with your email address for more info.
Molly Conomy wrote: Now we have to do them on large plastic trays (one is from the bottom of a dog crate) and slide them under the sofa.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Working toward a permaculture-strong retirement near sunny Sperling.
How Permies works:
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Suzanne Jabs wrote: My table only fits 1000 piecers, usually. Someone in my neighborhood recently started a Little Free Puzzle Library. It's a perfect mile or so walk there, grab a new puzzle, leave an old one. I love it!
Glad to hear from so many puzzle enthusiasts!
I'm not sure if I approve of this interruption. But this tiny ad checks out:
GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy