Dorit Brown

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since Apr 25, 2021
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I was born behind a big fat concrete wall - in East Germany. Came to the US for foreign exchange, love it and fell in love, went back and studied things, fell back in love, married and came back to leave standard living behind. We now live completely off grid in the PNW, just with a genny, no running water, enjoying the good life with our daughter and horses.
Learning more about permaculture, gardening and improving the land.
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Southwestern Oregon
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Thank you Bengi!

We have a bit of a mix, just not the city lot. The area I’m planning for right now is about 100ft by 200ft, but is just the start. So I would go with your recommendation of over an acre and plant everything that doesn’t fit in the next section.

In SW Oregon we’re in a rather dry climate with very dry summers, a good amount of moisture during spring.

Eventually we can expand and go silvo pasture style, but we need to spend some time on building houses before we can take that project on.

S Bengi wrote:

During establishment I would plant alot of extra Nitrogen-fixers between the trees , maybe every 5ft. And then kill then as the regulard plants need more space.

Do you have a recommendation for some nitrogen fixers for poor soil (hill top) in an semi arid environment. I have several potted comfrey plants, but would love to get more in the mix.
1 year ago
Mimi - Thank you! What’s the estimated canopy size of your trees? Probably around 15ft? Sorry they would touch each other a bit?
And funny with the name! There’s not that many out there. 😅

Thank you Cristobal!

I hadn’t thought about the better drought resilience of standard sized trees. That’s a great tip!

Our orchard is located on a hill, so sadly I can’t use squares to place the trees, but your info gives me a good idea. Maybe I was overthinking, I was going to look up the estimated tree size for each tree and then go by that.
My main question is - how much room do I plan in between a canopy tree to still get some light through for the understory species?
1 year ago
We’re in the process of designing our orchard. We’re thinking of a concept food forest style but with more distance between the trees. We’re about a Zone 8, SW Oregon at 3000ft elevation.
We realize we have to plant further apart than in a standard Food Forest, but would like to use gild concepts. What is a good way of estimating a healthy distance between the different species - trees, berry bushes, herbs etc. ?
1 year ago
I second the psyllium husk!
It was a game changer for me. Went from diarrhea for 6months - with an unclear diagnosis of Crohn’s- to almost back to normal in a couple days!
Just one teaspoon a day. I drink mine in the morning in camomile tea. If you don’t like the gel, I’ve heard other people take it in Jogurt.

A change to elimination diet didn’t do much for me, I was already eating pretty healthy. Stress and mold were also negative factors for me.

Best wishes!!!
1 year ago
We have very successfully used a 4ft pallet fence. We just used t-posts every 3-4 pallets (with the pallet slipped onto the t/post) and then screwed the palettes together.
It really seemed, if they can’t see through, they don’t jump it. While neighbors sometimes had deer crossing 8ft wire fences, they stayed out of our garden.
As an extra I was able to use the sturdy fence to support my tomato plants and tue raspberries up to.
We added 2ft of chicken wire on the bottom to keep rabbits out.
We even used this kind of fence to keep feral cattle out, which commonly crossed 5-string barbed wire fences.
2 years ago
I‘ve always had troubles with aphids on my sunflowers, which then spread onto other veggies. Have you had that happen? Did you find a good solution?
2 years ago

We tried that last year and it worked amazingly well!

So, pull the whole plant, clean and trim roots and some leaves and hang them upside down in a room with room temperature. From experience I can tell you it’s even worth doing it in a tiny house! We had garden tomatoes for Christmas in Idaho!!! Works well with peppers too.

Enjoy everyone!
2 years ago
Hey there,
I don’t seem to be able to download it. When I open the link it shows the book for free, but states it’s currently not available for purchase?
Am I too late or doing something incorrectly?
Thanks! Dorit
2 years ago
Thank you Kirk for this opportunity!

Really looking forward to the class! I’m just getting started here on, there are so many interesting posts! I‘d like to enter mentioning the podcast with Zach Weiss talking about Sepp Holzer‘s place

We hope to learn more about both worlds and then combine earthworks and Helen’s gardening methods at our place.

Greetings from the PNW! Dorit