Dan Spinkle wrote:BRK 3:
I started off yesterday finishing insulating the solarium. Considering this is where I sleep, I was definitely happy to get this completed. I've been comfortable in there but now the mornings should be a bit warmer and the rmh should require less wood.
Apple Valley wrote:
Has the insulation helped out? Do you think the craft paper will eventually be covered by something, and maybe that something will add extra insulation?
I love all your pictures and all the cool things you've been doing and learning!
Apple Valley wrote:
Has the insulation helped out? Do you think the craft paper will eventually be covered by something, and maybe that something will add extra insulation?
I love all your pictures and all the cool things you've been doing and learning!
Dan Spinkle wrote:
I forgot to answer the other part of your question. Yes, the craft paper will eventually be covered by 3/8ths boards. I'm assuming that will add some degree of insulation but I don't know how substantial it would be. I'm thinking it's mainly for aesthetic purposes. We've been putting in a lot of time at the sawmill so we have 3/8ths boards drying now but they will most likely be used for several higher priority projects first.
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Willow Feeder movie