No rain in 3 weeks but thanks to my wife watering the blackberries, they are doing great. And we saw LOTS of bees today. All the raspberries are looking great too
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Happy Erection day. That's right, we are erecting a deerfence today. The first 4 foot tall section is up. I had to invent a fence stretcher and it works pretty well. More on that later.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
How does one evenly and without puckers or sags of loose spots, stretch 80 feet of 4 ft tall deer fencing so it can be stapled in place??? (Nobody likes a saggy/droopy and loose fence)
It takes an 8 foot long 2 x 4, LOTS of screws, the seat belt from that last row that nobody uses, a tow rope and an ATV.
The next (upper) 4 foot tall section of deer fencing will be even easier to erect and stretch.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
We are now mostly "deer proof" with the entire 2nd 4 ft tall row of fencing up. Still some things to do to tidy it up and doors and gates to build but for now, the veggies are secure from deer. (unless they can clear the 8 foot barrier.)
On an unrelated note, there was a dragon fly hatch and we have thousands of them EVERYWHERE. and lots of snakes and toads and frogs. Oh and bees. So many bees. These are all great things.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Now that the boulder delay is behind us we have the first door hung. 2 more to go. So long as the deer dont figure out how to open the hook latch, we will be deer free inside the garden space.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
FINALLY!! a little drizzle. We have been without rain for 4 weeks. It's not much but at least its a little moisture. Mourning doves enjoying the new high tension wire of the deer fence around the garden.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
It is an experimental device that will make my mind that most powerful force on earth! More powerful than this tiny ad!