Judith Browning wrote:
Here is a case in point; is it "art", or just a bike shoved up against an old apple tree? Now contrast my bike photo with real art like the woman. So I don't share...
Both are beautiful and tell a story, set a mood. Comparing is not always productive....and that is why, I think, for so many things that we do, it is better to find the joy that the 'making' gives us and not expose our work to a judgement by the 'public'...it entangles the journey with someone else's opinion.
I spent so many years weaving in order to sell and towards the end I always felt like I had someone sitting on my shoulder. Even when I let myself explore and be free with the direction there was always that ultimate judgement decided by whether it would sell or not.
You are so right on this; thank you for your explanation; it makes perfect sense!
I often do this in the scope of literary art, where I might write a story, and someone says harsh words in review, and so I get despondent about it. yet, the truth is, I enjoyed the
experience of writing. In fact, in ironic, oxy-moron grammar...I cannot, not write! I just cannot stop that aspect of me! So even if 100 people dislike what I wrote (assuming it is positive in nature and not condemning of humanity), then what does it really matter?