K.B. wrote:
Planning on doing any fermenting? 
For sure--we couldn't drink it all fresh no matter how hard we tried, (and we try pretty hard...

) I read somewhere that
apple cider will ferment into good wine on it's own, so we put 5 gallons into a pail with an air lock, and put up a bunch more in a variety of containers... We also boiled down a bunch in our maple syrup pan and froze the concentrate.
Good luck with your pears. We have planted some of our own pear
trees, but they are only a couple of years old... Fortunately we have some very generous friends with very mature trees! I really don't know much about the varieties, though.
I was thinking it would be convenient (if the heated storage space was available), to keep the washing machine juicer on standby through the winter. We put lots of apples in the
root cellar, and you could juice the ones that get soft and have fresh juice all the time...