Hi! My husband and I have been learning all we can about growing and gathering food for the past few years. We are also starting now to learn about natural building and a wide variety of other crafts and skills that we will need to know for the lifestyle we want to be living. We want to move to central Florida in order to be close to my husband's family, be able to grow food year round, and especially because of the huge array of
perennial foods we will be able to live off of in that climate.
I'm creating this post because we want to visit farms and food forests in the region in order to learn how other people are growing food and working to live sustainably in that climate/region. We would be interested in day visits or longer stays as interns. We are particularly looking for people who are growing a whole diet/living largely off the food they themselves are growing, are growing permacrops, are interested in seed saving and plant propagation, are interested in using minimum
petroleum products, are living off grid and/or have done natural building in the area. These are some of the things that we are aspiring to ourselves, and we would love to have the opportunity to learn about successful ways people have been able to do this in the region. If you yourself have
experience in these areas, or if you know of people, farms, food forests in central Florida who may be able to help us learn please let us know!!