Back in 2016 my wife and I went on holiday to the USA. One day in July we visited Washington DC and went to see the Whitehouse -
I spoke to an officer who explained that the view of the Whitehouse we were looking at was the rear of the Whitehouse. It is where the Helicopter lands – But if we go up past the Treasury building, make a left you will come to the front of the Whitehouse.
I asked him if we’d be in time for breakfast? He said, “Sorry you’re out of luck today – the family are away - up in Chicago” We thanked him and headed off in the direction he pointed. We stood outside the front of the Whitehouse taking it all in.
Again, a huge presence of Police and Secret Service Agents.
I asked one of the Police Officers if he thought this might be Donald Trump’s new home? He replied: “It’ll always be the Whitehouse who ever lives in it”. A fantastic
answer I thought.
A little later as we decided to head back to our accommodation - I asked another Officer at one of the gates - would he help me with an odd request? He did.. He walked back into the property and as he handed to me what he picked from a tree - said I must be the only ever person in the world to ask for a living leaf to be picked from a tree growing on the White House Property.
Upon arriving back to New Zealand - I declared that I had the leaf in my possession to the New Zealand Agriculture/Airport Control - The officer inspected it and I was allowed to bring it through.
Now a framed memory.. ( any ideas as to what type of leaf ??