Examine your lifestyle, multiply it by 7.7 billion other ego-monkeys with similar desires and query whether that global impact is conscionable.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Examine your lifestyle, multiply it by 7.7 billion other ego-monkeys with similar desires and query whether that global impact is conscionable.
Jondo Almondo wrote:Have you tried using whole peanuts or just PB? I'm not sure my cheap stick-blender could handle PB.
Have you Googled chutney recipes from India? I heard an NPR broadcast of The Splendid Table where an Indian chef was talking about a cilantro chutney that seemed to consist primarily of blended fresh cilantro and (I think) a few peppers; I can't remember the details but I have been meaning to research further. It sounded like a fresh green sauce in the category we are talking about, from an entirely different culinary tradition. It seems to me the broadcast discussed storage options for the chutney, too, which would be germane to your original post, but I have forgotten those details. You might be able to Google up the podcast; the primary dish under discussion was a fried sandwich similar to a toasted cheese, only the filling was flavored yogurt and the outside of the sandwich was dressed in fried curry leaves. (The cilantro chutney was a recommended condiment.)Jondo Almondo wrote:I'm more curious to try a pure parsley pesto or a pure coriander one (which might be better as a sandwich spread or marinade than a pasta dish).
Jondo Almondo wrote:It surprised me that my basil seed all germinated in <1 day, even quicker than radishes.
Definitely a good instant-gratification plant to grow from seed
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
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