If you are interested in learning how to live sustainably and beyond, if you’d like to learn environmentally friendly ways of providing for your own basic needs, if you’re thinking about taking a permaculture design course but are undecided…Then this is the course for you!
Our two day course will cover:
The Permaculture Ethics and Principles
Observation skills building/Site analysis for both urban and rural environments
Design methods-Including a group design
project, how to apply these techniques to your situation
Practical examples of permaculture
gardening basics
Plant walk- Forest garden tour, plant identification,
polyculture and guild examples
No-tillage, minimum tillage, and minimum/no
irrigation techniques
Off-grid power generation, passively heated
greenhouse construction
Ecologically friendly building design examples
There will be a mix of classroom and hands on learning using our 100 acre permaculture farm to showcase permaculture in action. There will also be a field trip to a nearby off-grid homestead, and a stop on the way to see a
straw bale building.
Spring Course Times:
Friday May 12, 6 pm check-in (optional)
Saturday May 13, 8 am-12 pm, 1 pm-6 pm
Sunday May 14, 8 am-12 pm, 1 pm-6pm
Fall Course Times:
Friday Sept. 21, 6 pm check-in (optional)
Saturday Sept. 22, 8 am-12 pm, 1 pm-6 pm
Sunday Sept. 23, 8 am-12 pm, 1 pm-6pm
COST- $50 or $75 with lunches included for saturday and sunday
LOCATION: 1563 Pigeon Lake Road, Lindsay ON, K9V 4R5
About the Teacher:
Travis Philp has been wild-crafting and farming professionally, using permaculture techniques for 4 years. He has two diploma’s from Fleming College; Ecosystems Management Technician, and Environmental Technician. He received his Permaculture Design Certificate at the Living Centre near London Ontario.
*This is NOT a full Permaculture design course, therefore we cannot award a Permaculture Design Certificate upon completion of the course