A few years back we had an information night at our
local library to share with folks inexpensive ways of reducing end of life costs. Had a couple of homemade coffins on hand (I have made simple pine boxes for my wife and myself) and loads of info gathered from sources such as the Coroner's Office, Local Hospitals, cemeteries and applicable laws regarding burials and cremations. Anyone in Ontario can quite legally look after their own dead without the services of a funeral home or director and without embalming. Building your own coffin is certainly cheaper than buying one and all you need for cremation is is a
cardboard coffin! Here in Ontario, cremation (delivering the body yourself to the crematorium) is cheaper than the charge to simply open and close a burial plot which you have purchased! If anyone would like a copy of the pamphlet "Reduce Your Cost of Leaving" or any of the info we have gathered, you can just email me at
bwood4d@gmail.com and I'll send you whatever you like. (My info is pertinent to Ontario, Canada where human burials must take place in official cemeteries and not on private property, but cremains (ashes) may be scattered almost anywhere.) But you need to investigate the issues well in advance, talk to your family so they know what you want and are willing to co-operate.
You can see pics of my coffin and other info I have available at this post....