Hello all,
I am posting today because my house lies on a street with no
water main, or at least a water main that ends 5 feet behind our property line. It seems when the
city brought water to our area, the previous occupant chased the workers off with an axe, as their plan was to also pour
concrete down the well. (Right on, previous occupant!... but...)
We were unable to produce any water from the old well to test it, and aren't ready to put too much effort into repairing it, as it seems to be well.... hidden by the previous owner. We have our doubts about water quality anyway. The whole neighborhood is of higher than rural population density and still using septic systems without proper finger systems. We feel like we could manage the biological contaminants, but chemicals? used motor oil people didn't want to drive to the autozone? I don't know. The only company liscenced by the city to perform work to extend the water main doesn't seem to show up for less than $10k on top of the maybe $2k and labor we would spend bringing water from the street into the house, and our next door neighbor is uncooperative with any discussion of an easement for our meter. Does this leave the rain from our metal roof as the best option?
It seems like it could work, but there are a few conditions that worry me, most notably the needles from two glorious Norway spruce
trees that frame the house. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? There seems to be plenty of discussion on here relating to water catchment in freezing climates but it also sounds like spruce needles are a potential dealbreaker, and removing the trees is not an option! Does anyone know the limits of slow sand filtration in this scenario? what about the viability of fast sand filtration before the water even hits the tank in order to remove the needles before they have the chance to make tea? The water doesn't clear up too much after a first flush, especially during pollen season, but we would probably still use a first flush in the summer as I doubt the fast sand filter could remove the active ingredients of raccoon feces.
My partner and I have become accustomed to showering under low pressure. So using an rv pump on an ibc tank we fill with our more cooperative cross-alley neighbor's hose, we find ourselves using barely 10 gallons a day not including laundry, and toilet which will eventually be composting. To be safe let's say our eventual water consumption will be 20 gallons per day. I do not require full water security, and am willing to truck in water as often as twice a year on the rare occasion that Indiana goes more than a month without a thaw or liquid precipitation. Given these constraints here is my tentative plan:
braces to stop snow from sliding off the roof before it melts.
two 275 gallon ibcs, one by each downspout, surrounded by insulation running into the house, possibly plexiglass on the south face so sun hits an opaque surface on the tank.
allow for the possible addition of a 3d and fourth tank a later date.
slow, quiet pumps comparable to those used in aquariums will move water that has settled and floated some of the remaining debris from the area slightly above the bottom of the tanks.
The tank from the downspout facing the tree will only be pulled from once the first one, which still will collect some spruce debris, has emptied so there is extra time for settling and floating.
The slow sand filter and another 300 gallon or so post filtration tank will sit directly over a 10 foot span of 6x12 beam, which is timber framed with knee braces making the unsupported span only about 4 feet long, and weight will be concentrated as close to the 6x6 posts on solid concrete footings as possible. the only other weight on the beam is a ceiling. Fixtures will gravity
feed through 3/4" pex.
Options will be left to pump city water into the post-filtration tank, or well water into the filter for occasional dry spells.
So basically, am I crazy? Could this work to provide safe water in all but the dryest circumstances? I have been racking my brain over this in the background while trying to get the interior of our house a little more sane, but will need to figure something out before the winter time. Rather than bog down this post with all the details and potential problems I can think of, I will leave it at what I have said so far and see what ya'll have to say about the best strategy for puling this off, or any reasons there might not be such a strategy.
Any relevant thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you!