Well well, I heard Obama's actually going to do it!
Then I get this email:
Dear Family and Friends,
Just a note of deep thanks for all your support. I am incredibly overwhelmed by the love and connectiveness you all have shared to help make a little voice known from Pierce County. Please share my gratitude to your families and friends as well, for if it were not for the branches of the
trees and the deep, spreading
roots, this would never have happened.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Below is the joint statement that myself and Clare Strader produced in response to the election. I think you'll agree that it's the 'cause' that needs to be brought to light. Please help us by writing our President, Congressional Representatives and our Senators to move on this action.
Deep peace and love of the emerging seed,
Carrie (Anne) Little
It is a great honor for us to be recognized by our communities as potential candidates for the first White House Farmer. We are thrilled by the possibility of converting a portion of the lovely White House lawn into a lively vegetable farm. As vegetable, fruit, and flower growers, we know that a well-managed organic farm can be at least as beautiful as a lawn and certainly more engaging, productive, and inspirational.
The fact that so many farmers were nominated for the White House farmer position and that so many individuals voted in this unique "election" speaks loudly to our combined interest in local, organic agriculture. As is made clear in each farmer's nomination, there are many skilled growers who contribute significantly to local food movement throughout our country. We are all unique. We all have a somewhat different focus be it Community Supported Agriculture, or emergency food relief, or youth empowerment. Still, we share the common cause of feeding our local communities with the freshest, cleanest, most healthy food we can coax from the soil.
Taking personal responsibility to a new level by addressing the core issues of the Obama administration's focus, this farm could be the example for the nation. It would clearly address economic insecurity, fuel conservation, climate change, and healthcare issues in a very tangible way. Collectively, this effort could be the center of the cultural shift needed to highlight the imperative that we need to eat locally and think globally.
Together we are working toward a new future of agriculture in our country. We believe that future is grounded in small-scale, organic food production that meets the nutritional needs of people within reach of the farm and is not shipped from coast to coast at great cost of fuel, freshness, and nutritional value. With the support of more and more eaters in our communities, that future is coming nearer. A White House farm and a White House farmer will be powerful symbols for this future of agriculture, not to mention a delicious resource for the DC community. No matter who becomes the first White House farmer we stand in support of the White House farm
project and would be honored to bring our spades and worm castings and hula hoes to join in the effort!
Claire Strader Carrie (Anne) Little