"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
Brian Vraken wrote:Benjamin: Since you are in here anyways, how unreasonable would it be to use the No. 8 Aluminum snath as a taller guy (6'0")?
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
John Todd wrote:I got mine from Scythe Supply. I'm in the USA, though.
I just wanted to chime in about Scythe Supply's quality and customer service. I'm very happy with the outfit I got and support after the sale.
Had mine 5 years now. Never a problem, even after the blade ate a T-post. It still was repairable by me at home.
As for the grips coming loose, you're supposed to glue them in with good wood glue. Mine have never budged at all.
Dry fit the grips and go take a few swings. Adjust as needed and take a few more swings. My handles are not actually 90 degrees out from the snath, but cocked slightly. Fits me like a glove.
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
David Joly wrote:
And Benjamin, I can't wait to see your future two-part breakdown snath ! Would it be similar to the "Oregon snath" ?
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
T Blankinship wrote:As someone who is new to using a scythe. I found the best part of the kit was The Scythe Book by David Tresemer. I think any kit one buys, it must have good instruction and good customer service. I got my kit from Scythe Supply and have had my scythe about a year now. I use a European style scythe and I like it.
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
Benjamin Bouchard wrote:
T Blankinship wrote:As someone who is new to using a scythe. I found the best part of the kit was The Scythe Book by David Tresemer. I think any kit one buys, it must have good instruction and good customer service. I got my kit from Scythe Supply and have had my scythe about a year now. I use a European style scythe and I like it.
Be sure to take The Scythe Book with an enormous rock crystal of salt. The man (Tresemer) owned a business, Hand and Foot Ltd., that imported and sold Austrian scythes, and The Scythe Book was written as something of a printed infomercial for them. The information about the American scythe, in particular, is rife with outright falsehoods that the author himself was well aware of, given his bibliography. Even the info for the Austrian scythe has a bunch of errors in it that Peter Vido later tried to correct or address, but even so it is still a flawed document. Consider it about as reputable as a Wikipedia page on an obscure subject; it's a good jumping off point in your initial research, but should not be taken as a starting point rather than an authoritative or exhaustive source. For European scythes I'd suggest Peter Vido's "The Big Book of the Scythe" , and for American scythes, my own writings on the subject. Peter is unfortunately no longer with us, but neither his nor my own writing are infallible, either, but Peter tried his very best to put quality instructional resources into the world, and so am I. There are a number of things I need to update and much much more I have yet to write down, but it'll get there eventually.
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
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