Howdy, I'm Chef Connor. I had to get a new name after the hatfield/mcCoy fiasco locked me out. I'm not complaining, of
course! I'm just so thankful that Permies is here and that Paul has made this safe place for us to talk and hang out and save the world.
I have recently retired from professional cooking, and managed to save a small amount of money to
boot. Now I'm switching to a rural lifestyle, I've found a nice farmer who will take me in and put me up in his barn, and teach me everything there is to learn about his way of life. How to
milk cows and butcher swine, put up
fence and build an
outhouse. I have already used his saw mill and I'll be there in time to plant the first things in the garden. Good thing I am only 28, I am strong
enough to do the work and young enough to learn about this strange world.
okay anyway anyway anyway, my SHOGUN, as I will refer to him, has said I can experiment as much as I want, on as much space as I want, even as much as an acre. I'm so glad I get to experiment before I buy
land, lowering my risk considerably. The plot is in the Ozarks, located near 36.0007 N, -92.0442 W ... I looked the area up on Web Soil Survey, and the data it spat out is at the bottom of the post. Generally though,
Most of the area consists of mixed forest, primarily cedar and juniper, that is somewhat crowded and not very large. most of the
trees are less than 6 inches in diameter. These "glades" are full of mossy rocks and there seems to be very little understory. Of course, I became acquainted with the countryside in January. I don't know what things look like when they are lush and vibrant. Areas of flat land are used to graze cows, 6.5% of the soil area is assigned a capability
class of 4 or better.
There is very adequate rainfall, and absorbtion is slow in many places. Rainwater just flows on top of these rock outcrops and settles in the bottom lands, where it tends to pool up. When my shogun dug a
pond, it filled up in one rain storm and stayed filled. His methods are basically conventional but he looks backward a hundred or so years, to the days of draft animals and hand tools. I guess that's all I've got by way of introduction.
4 Arkana-Moko complex, 8 to 20 percent slopes 6 180.3 2.6%
5 Arkana-Moko complex, 20 to 40 percent slopes 7 129.4 1.9%
6 Boden gravelly sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 3 68.7 1.0%
7 Boden gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 20 percent slopes 6 0.0 0.0%
13 Estate-Portia-Moko association, rolling 6 1,318.4 19.0%
14 Estate-Portia-Moko association, steep 7 3,618.2 52.2%
21 Moko-Rock outcrop complex, 20 to 50 percent slopes 7 95.5 1.4%
22 Noark very cherty silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 3 35.8 0.5%
23 Noark very cherty silt loam, 8 to 20 percent slopes 6 346.2 5.0%
24 Noark very cherty silt loam, 20 to 40 percent slopes 7 701.1 10.1%
26 Portia sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, eroded 3 200.5 2.9%
27 Portia sandy loam, 8 to 12 percent slopes, eroded 4 131.1 1.9%
28 Ramsey-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes 7 17.1 0.2%
29 Ramsey-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 40 percent slopes 7 58.6 0.8%
33 Wideman fine sand, frequently flooded 5 24.9 0.4%