We are a family of five exploring opportunities for alternative living. We've already built a successful food forest in zone 8a with around 600 fruit trees/vines/bushes. Some knowledge in herbs and natural medicine. Extensive knowledge in carpentry, natural building, electrical, plumbing, septic systems(from scratch), masonry, annual
gardening(and mixing them in with the
permaculture garden),
fence building, alternative
energy, somewhat mechanical,horse training, cooking from the garden & baking from scratch and animal husbandry(natural methods). I'd love for my kids to see and
experience for themselves what it is to build from the ground up.
··Can bring 100-150
trees from our previous orchard. Also have the tool set to do pretty much any job, a stock trailer, and a flat bed trailer.··
If anyone maybe interested, shoot us an email at
steffnferm@gmail.com and tell us where your located & what your goals are.