We would like to use
permaculture, self-reliance, outdoor recreation, and homeschooling as four unifying factors to orient an experiment in communal living. A property with a large amount of natural carrying capacity is available and already graciously supporting our family of 6. Some of the trappings of civilization are sparse at the moment, but that is all part of the fun and improvements seem to occur daily.
The experimental aspect of this
should not be downplayed. We stem from the traditional atomized/individualistic culture so prevalent in the west-- and so do not feel a common destiny with anyone outside our small family unit. The experiment and desire is to extend this common/communal destiny to a circle of likeminded people via a sincere effort to create a
permaculture based a way of life.
A goal worth stating up front is to strike a five-way mutually beneficial balance;
1. in relation to each other
2. in relation to the ecosystem that makes it all possible
3. in relation to the organisms we share habitat with
4. in relation to the surrounding community
5. in relation to future generations
If you are hardworking, in a season of life where it is possible, and willing to share in the successes and failures of this endeavor-- please contact us and we can discuss further at