I've been investigating the many uses of gabion baskets and built in place gabion earth works. Photos below explain what a gabion is.
Go to google images and search gabion,gabion baskets, dry stone wall and pebble wall.
My latest idea is a fusion of several building technologies so viewing these photos will help in understanding. Tomorrow I will go to the beach and build a model which will be filled several times with various types of rock. Photos will follow.
The plan is to create a thin, dry stone wall against any wooden,
cob,or other type of wall where a solid stone finish is desired. No mortar or masonry skills are required. Heavy galvanized stucco wire will be held a given distance from the support wall by tie wires. A solid spacer will be used to allow tie wires to be bent to the right length to create a flat surface. Once the wire is in place, the wall is filled with pebbles.
FOUNDATION--- This type of siding will be quite heavy, so a solid foundation is required. The weight of the rock is carried by the foundation and not by the underlying wall. Brick face walls work the same way.
Most brick homes built in North America within the past 75 years are done in face brick. The roof is held up by the wooden structure. And the weight of those bricks are held up by the
concrete foundation, not by the wooden walls. The bricks are held to the
wood wall with brick ties. So my pebble walls are a cousin of this proven building system.
WATER --- Tar paper could rest against the wood, just as is done with brick facing.
This type of finish would be best kept under a suitable roof overhang.
WILD LIFE --- It is highly likely that small creatures will make their homes or lay eggs within the crevices. The tightness of the material would not permit rodents entry but insects and spiders would use the space just as they do with dry stone garden walls. My favorite insectivores are the Alligator Lizards which currently occupy rock piles on the south facing slope. I suppose crevice size could be planned to accomodate lizards,
bats ,or any other desired species.
Termites are not an issue where I live and there are no poisonous species which are likely to move into the walls.
SPLASH GUARD --- I first started thinking of using a gabion system when I saw how
Rusty Bowman used recycled concrete scraps to protect his wood chip clay walls from rain splashing. I plan to have a similar earth plaster finish and a gabion splash guard on the first couple feet of wall would go a long way to prevent erosion of that finish. Tar paper and a galvanized L-shaped drip edge behind the stone would complete the protection. A concrete cap could be poured at the junction of the cob wall and the pebble wall.
BLOW OUT --- As wall height increases, the outward pressure on the wire increases, so it will be important to put in plenty of ties to avoid blowout. The same thing happens with concrete forms although with that there is also hydraulic pressure. On single story homes this would require a few extra tie wires. For an apartment building, an engeneer may be required.
CONDENSATION --- Rock piles are known to condense water vapour. Since the wall is far thinner and less massive, major condensation is unlikely. But tar paper beneath would carry water harmlessly to the base of the wall where the L trim then channels it away from the building.
WIRE RUSTING --- Galvanized gabions last for decades in rivers and in other harsh environments. In a residential situation where the material is seldom wet, lifespan of the wire is likely to be measured in centuries.
THERMAL MASS --- Because the rock lies outside the heated envelope, the mass will not have the huge impact that would occur inside the home. Where a
greenhouse or sunroom is added to the south face of the house, this type of finish on the southern wall would add greatly to the thermal mass. Distance from glazing and direct sun exposure would affect performance.
TROMBE WALLS AND OTHER THERMAL MASS INSIDE THE HOUSE --- The same system would work within the home. Condensation would not be an issue so no need for tar paper.
MATERIAL SOURCING --- In areas that have plentiful natural gravel, clean size sorted material is available for around $20 per ton. At that price there's no way I would fiddle with a garden screen or run to the beach with buckets. At 3 inches thick, one ton of material will cover aprox. 65 sq. ft. I'll come back with firm pricing for my area later. In any event a stone finish which will last for the life of the building can be achieved at lower cost tha that of vinyl siding.
EMF MUMBO-JUMBO --- See heading :
ORDER OF OPERATIONS ---- 3am , must rest brain --- I'll finish this tomorrow.