Susan Wakeman wrote:If you were to do a first design approach with complete newbies, showing them what's special about permaculture design, where would you start?
Which key questions do you think we need to ask to get going towards a good design, in the space of a day?
How do you address the spread between a broadacre design to an apartment dweller, the middle ground being a standalone house with 200-1000m2 area around it (including two parking spaces)?
For me over the years of teaching permaculture, I reckon complete newbies really respond to this: permaculture design is based on the principles of wild thriving ecosystems and societies that live in balance with their resources (mainly indigenous people). Thriving ecosystems have every need met by the yield/output of anotherpart of a natural system, requiring no extra
energy, garbage collection and creating no pollution. This idea in combination withgoing outside and observing the principles in action, and then a bit of self reflection on whether they also apply to human life as well as plants and soil, seems to deeply ring true with people. This gives them confidence in the design of nature and motivation to find out more.
Key questions torwards a good design in a day: think earth/resources, wind/ideas, sun/shade/ personal burn out and situations you thrive,
water sources and flow/aspects of the site and its people in transition. This follows the elements of earth, air, fire and water and is a good, comprehensive, quick way to address the whole design. I also add the fifth element: spirirt: what special qualities do I bring to this design, those of the people involved and the essence of the place.
Addressing the broadscale to the apartment scale is for me the beauty of the flexibility and universality of the core of permaculture: principles, design process, observation. The permaculture principles eg whether a molecule or a mountain, 'catch and store energy' applies at either scale. With observation and design process, this is naturally going to entail much longer and in depth time if the
project is large and complex or small and simple, the time and level of research and analysis will differ a lot. However the framework is the same and equally applies to both. Both deserve a survey, analysis, designing, implementation and maintenance strategy, and a process to evaluate and tweak.