This is a heads up to anybody with the resources and interest to continue this group. When I was active many years ago, it was a Go-To, but I haven't visited in a long time. However, the quality was very good and helped me a lot. The quoted mail (below) I received about says it all. There may be other venues available; I don't swim in IT waters any more, but at a guess, there
should be various options out there. There may be an "angel" amoung it's users, but likely not. It appears that the accumulated info and various data are it's main assets, along with the email list.
Interested parties contact:
That's it, Gentle Folk.
"Dear friends and valued members of VintageKenmoresSew Yahoo Group,
We have been notified that new content, including posts, will not be uploaded anymore starting in a few days. Old content will be deleted in December. This is effectively the end of VKS, since our group functions mostly as an archive of sewing resources, searchable messages, files, and photos, not as a chat board.
Many sewing groups have been ported over to the newer host, When this first became available, I looked into porting VKS, but refrained both for the lack of photo search functions offered, and because I didn't believe that the host site would remain "free" for very long.
Now, the situation is that it will cost a minimum of $110 per year to move VKS to, with the first year payable up front. (Depending on the actual size of data moved, the storage fees could jump to $2200 per year.) I don't feel that I can provide that money, nor do I feel that the members will be interested in or committed to a paid group. Let's just say, "It was fun while it lasted."
If you are reading this and you feel that you would like to assume ownership of this group and take the responsibility of porting it over to a new host, please contact me immediately. I will gladly assist in any way to preserve the group under new ownership if a responsible group member is available to serve. I would want to see some history/references, of
course, before.turning the group over to another owner to have access to our email addresses.
If this VKS group is not saved, be comforted in the knowledge that other groups exist on other platforms to help with vintage sewing machines, and may have extensive resources (some harvested from our group) and will welcome you as new members.
You are all without exception interesting and rewarding to know. Thank you.
Sharon in Champaign
VKS Group Owner "