I love the idea of the
chicken coop that can be moved around on wheels during the summer and then put up for the winter. I have a few questions...
I didn't get a good look at the floor, what sort of slats are used? I'm really intrigued by this because with all this talk about portable coops, etc (paul's paddock rotation system) I wondered what kind of flooring would prevent
chickens standing in their own
poop, not require me to clean it out (because the coop is moved around regularly), but would not hurt the
chickens' feet?
Wood slats sound great, so I'd like to hear more about that...
Is there any concern with ammonia rising from the composting stuff underneath? Or is this simply an issue of putting
enough sawdust on top regularly?
I love the idea of composting under the chicken coop, and how the heat from that would keep them warm.