Hi all, my eight month old drake seems to have a prolapsed penis. It's been out for a few weeks and initially it was just small and pink, but now it's dirty and bedraggled.
I have two drakes the same age and two adult ducks, and they free range in my small garden with access to a small swimming area (it's a big plastic tub at the moment). This drake is the more aggressive of the two, and definitely been attempting to mate with the ducks all summer--on the ground though, not on the
water. I haven't seen any mating since his penis starting falling out. He and his brother also seem to be moulting right now; however, he seems to be acting normally and is just as bright and alert as ever.
The internet is not very forthcoming on this. Is intervention needed? Taking him to the vet isn't an option:
local vets do dogs and cats only and he's really not worth a vet fee in any case.