glen murry wrote:I have a few questions related to installing an RMH in my basement, utilizing an existing chimney:
...I was planning on building a fire brick heat riser in a 55 gallon drum, do I need to insulate the firebrick riser? Will the square heat riser in the round drum screw up the internal air flow because of "pinch points" at each of the four corners?
Will "rising damp" from the basement slab be a problem with the cob construction? It is an old house and has no underslab vapor barrier.
The insulation of the heat riser is an "RTFM," I'm afraid. Insulation is critical to both the clean burn, and the thermosiphon properties that let these heaters work as they do.
If you don't have insulation around the heat riser it is not a
rocket mass heater. You can look up "contraflow" stoves for some workable designs that are all-brick instead; these are more technical to build and seal, but time-tested. Contraflow heaters built by an experienced heater mason are usually already covered under existing building codes.
The rising damp should be handled as for any cob construction.
Mike Wye in the UK has good damp-detailing advice for cob and traditional (natural) masonry in general.
We often do a layer or so of dry-stacked stone (or reclaimed
concrete) above a potentially-damp surface, allowing ventilation to replace or augment vapor-barriers that can promote condensation.
Adam Smith wrote:I was wondering about this myself. It would be very hard to get an insurance company to approve it since it's not UL listed.
True. That's roughly a $60K process I'm told; we will let you know if we get any closer.
For now, they are best approached under the masonry heater section of the international residential building codes, R1002, and the ASTM standard E-1602 for masonry heaters.
And there is no way to regulate or shut off the burn; no air intake regulator or damper downstream.
Most masonry heaters use either a fire-end shutoff, or a top-of-chimney shutoff, not both. Having two shutoff dampers makes it harder to successfully operate the heater without inadvertently closing the wrong damper at some point in the cycle. Our J-style mass heaters usually use a simple, adjustable shutoff by sliding two firebricks across the
feed opening, allowing any control from 100% open to 100% shut. Adequate air for a clean burn is roughly 20 to 30% or more, depending somewhat on the fuel load. The wood itself often regulates the air with a full firebox, but the firebricks (or a door configured to give the same range of open / 25% / shut) offer a greater sense of control.
And the barrel heat chamber would be prone to rusting out in a few years and would need a way to be changed out quickly and efficiently without having to chiesel it out.
The oldest
rocket mass heater we know about is one of Ianto Evans' heaters in their Myrtle library-cottage; it has been operating regularly in a temperate rainforest climate for over 20 years - probably approaching 25 or more now - without showing any signs of needing the barrel replaced. You may be thinking of the poorly-designed barrel stoves featured in Mother Earth News in the 1970's, which burn a fire and re-burn combustion gases directly inside the barrel, and tend to catastrophically fail after 3 to 6 years of use. Explaining the difference between a rocket mass heater's use of unlined steel as a downdraft exhaust channel, symmetrically arranged to minimize heat shock and strain, compared with the unsafe use of thin steel as a homebuilt woodstove firebox, is a critical tidbit to bring to any conversation with an experienced backwoods building-code official. Getting a 1/8" steel cylinder fabricated and lined with high-temp (engine block or stovepipe enamel) paint may be necessary in areas that have extensive bad experiences with the other type of barrel stoves.
And the flue. They are going to want to see a clay tile lined flue, espeically if it is over wood.
A clay lined flue, or firebrick lined flue, would certainly reassure building inspectors that you are sticking with refractory materials, and contributing to the global economy, and should be considered an upstanding citizen or at least someone worth stringing along for more building permit fees. It is possible to build rocket mass heaters with clay flue liners, or for that matter clay drainage pipe, in place of the steel channel liners.
I personally consider the metal liners add a nice sort of resilience to any
project where structural cracking is a concern, and might actually make the whole thing more leak-proof, especially if it's over wood.
I don't generally recommend building masonry heaters over wood, by the way. I'll talk about how it's been done, but I prefer non-combustible footings and weight support all the way down, and the codes generally insist on them.
And I don't know about it running sideways without any or hardly any rise.
It works because of the other elements of the system. Some, but not all, other masonry heater systems can also support horizontal channels - k'ang, hypocaust, and Russian masonry heaters do this routinely, and most other designs have the option of at least a small heated side bench even if the main path is an up-down contraflow.
We do often include a slight, constant rise to our pipes, mostly to even out potential hot spots and allow any condensation moisture to drain out safely while the heater is initially being fired up and dried out, before the mass is fully raised up to working temperatures. In projects where true horizontal was necessary for thicknesses or clearances or bench heights, it has worked fine.
I know from experience on a regular flue they want triple wall stainless steel or the clay liners inside the flue that funnel the flue gases into the next joint so that if the mortar cracks or falls out the flue gases will still be contained. I would think the thermal mass would develop cracks over time or you would have to at least expect it to.
Properly built earthen masonry has a strong resistance to cracking, high fiber content in the outer casing or plaster layers to further prevent cracking, yet can easily be repaired if a crack does develop due to un-anticipated thermal expansion or building settlement. You have to do test batches, and/or use a builder with a good working knowledge of local materials and their limits, or be prepared to repair cracks as you learn.
Most masonry heater builders work continuously to minimize the types of strain that cause cracking, and also advise their clients of what type of crack is "serious" and warrants a follow-up call. Anything bigger than a dollar bill, wider than a credit card, or visibly leaking smoke or smells, is a serious crack and should be repaired, and the original builder would likely appreciate knowing about this failure even if someone else does the repairs.
The simplest repair for an earthen masonry / earthen plaster surround that is cracking due to thermal expansion around the barrel is: run the system hot. Moisten the crack area with a damp rag or sponge. (Remove any loose material and re-work it to a putty-like consistency using water. If adding new material, paint the sides of the crack with a little wet clay slip. Fill the crack with new material if needed, making sure the plaster has good sand and fiber content to prevent shrinkage cracking.)
Use a small trowel, plastic paint spatula, or cut-off yogurt lid, dipped in water, to work the damp material together and fill in the gap, smoothing over the joined areas as needed. Continue running the heater until the wet material has dried and re-set, forcing the cracked area to take the expanded shape that is large enough to prevent further heat cracking.
We find this process so simple, and so rarely necessary, that we don't generally bother to use the standard masonry heater trick of adding a layer of flexible non-combustible insulation or gasket around the edges of any metal embedded in masonry. Our metal parts are round, they're not that hot at the juncture points, and the material tolerates being test-fired while still pliable so it can set its own expansion allowance. We do use insulation around the firebox and this helps prevent cracking of the cooler masonry casing around that area.
I don't know how long the galavanized 6" stove pipe will last encased in the thermal mass, but not permanately. From our King circulator heater to the flue we would change out the blued pipe every few years.
So far, the same stove is going 20+ years on the same crappy, reclaimed, part-galvanized and part-rusted-out-stovepipe that it was originally built with. The pipes essentially serve as formwork for properly-built earthen masonry, and once the masonry hardens whether the pipes corrode is almost irrelevant. I have helped to troubleshoot a number of owner-built stoves in difficult circumstances, and short of soaking the whole thing down and standing directly on the pipes (to water overhanging plants in a
greenhouse, or while building with a big inexperienced crew), the pipes have simply not been the problem. Bottlenecks in the manifold, lumps of cob or piles of fly
ash working their way into unanticipated places, a cracked brick where the fuel abrasion and heat stress are greatest, chimney or house-draft problems, heat riser insulation, air leaks in the lower firebox or manifold, vermin nests due to unscreened exhausts... there are lots of common problems, but pipe failure just isn't one we've seen much.
If you do use metal in the firebox or direct flame path, as I suspect was the circulator's situation, you can expect warping and degradation.
In earlier projects where we used metal forms stuffed with perlite-clay insulation to make a cast-in-place poor-mans-refractory heat riser, we understood that the inner metal would ultimately fail, and in fact our Annex 6" heat riser turned into little rusty flakes for the bottom half of its height before 2 years went by. The clay-perlite insulation fired into a rough ceramic, and is still doing duty. I no longer recommend using any metal in the firebox or heat riser interiors, with the possible exception of Peter's secondary air and some of the pellet-hopper grates, because it can potentially damage the masonry when and if it starts to seriously warp and degrade.
These concerns sound like they're coming from experience, but not with this particular type of heater.