Hello All,
I've been researching natural building methods for the past few years. Each time I think I've found the method I want to use, I come across information that makes me second guess myself.
In a nutshell:
Cob - Perhaps not the best choice for Vermont winters
Straw bale - moisture,
mice problems. Read an account here on permies where the person said "a friend of mine helped dismantle a year-old straw-bale wall in the US, and found the whole interior hollowed out by happy nesting mice".
Cordwood - Wife and I don't care for the look
Ok, so I guess those are really the only methods I've seriously looked at, but I've gone back and forth several times.
I really like the idea of cob, the looks, the idea of sculpting your home, the spirituality of the process. I've wondered if there are ways to better insulate a cob home with natural materials (double wall of some sort, yet twice the work). I understand the immense importance of site design and layout when building with cob.
I guess my question with this post boils down to insulating a cob home. Any advice? (some of you may notice I've asked a similar question before, I'm feeling a little frustrated)