Possibly more amenable to large farms (if it was good), but probably amenable to small farms too.
I ran across FarmOS. Which is an add-on to Drupal. I've seen the name Drupal before, didn't know much about it.
I'm a Linux nerd, and I mostly run Devuan, having been a Debian person who got annoyed with systemd. I looked up availability of Drupal in Debian, and it looks like it is being phased out. It is not in testing or unstable any more. Drupal is based on PHP, which seems to be an accident waiting to happen. I've no idea why Debian seems to be stepping away from it.
In any event, FarmOS does seem to do a lot of things which might be useful to
permaculture. It has a tendency to call all areas as rectangular. It has no concept of companion planting or allelopathy. It is open to some unusual aspects of farming, but I think it is getting a lot of support from berry growers in Vermont (and UVermont).
There is something called OpenFarmNetwork, which purports to be a worldwide system to connect farmers and people looking for farm products. I think it is pretty new, and it looks to me like it is a southern Ontario thing. There was one "hit" in New Brunswick (Canada), one or two in Quebec, and or two in Ontario that weren't southern Ontario (to me).
The idea seems fine. It may be that its framework is too closely aligned with Ontario, or it could just be too new. I was surprised that nothing around Vancouver or the Gulf Islands was present.
Have you run across software or portals to help
permaculture farmers? Or might be useful?