I do not know about Roman Soldiers, but Napoleon was the first to use glass jars and the canning process to
feed his troops while on the move.
On our farm, in the 1940's, my Great Grandfather could not get
enough workers to help harvest his potatoes which was all going to the Army for the war effort. He contacted the POW Camp in Bangor, and they brought down German Prisoner's. Back then, on our farm, when the potatoes were in, the boys celebrated. The fact that they were POW's did not matter, so late that night, the German Prisoner's, and the Guards alike went back to the POW Camp in Bangoe completely drunk from where my Great Grandfather had rolled the cider barrels out.
The commander of the camp asked my Great Grandfather why he had gotten the POW's drunk, as his own son's were in Germany trying to fight the very German's he was getting drunk. He told the commander that it did not matter, they had worked hard, got the potato crop in, and deserved a celebration just as any other worker had. As the talked through, the commander got into the cider pretty hard with my Great-Grandfather and nothing was ever said of the incident. It was later stated that the German's had no animosity with the American's because of how well many of the POW's said they were treated here. Including about 150 German POW's who got drunk on our farm!