Good morning!
As I further my research into building the most fertile, healthy, and diverse soil food web, I have reached my next goal milestone. In order to step my game up to the next level, I need to start incorporating more perennials into my garden. However, I have no idea where to even start for my area. I feel like I am just between temperate and subtropical, and even though sometimes this means I can grow more plants, it can also be quite restrictive.
I already grow a healthy selection of nuts, grapes, figs, blueberries, goji berries, blackberries, raspberries, and lemons; but I am looking to incorporate
perennial vegetables and greens.
Any advice on these varieties and where to look for these varieties would be much appreciated!
I am located in the midlands of South Carolina, Zone 8a. We typically have 1-10 nights of sub 25 degree cold, broken up by many days in the mid 60's with lows in the low 40's each winter. Summer can get rough as sometimes we can go several weeks without it getting below 80 at night. We usually get at least a dozen days over 100 per summer too.